Chapter 3

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The day ended and night swept over the city, it was quiet and still to anyone who might be awake, but if they were to peek inside the windows of Rose and Mr. Hampton they would see a different story.

Rose was awake sipping from a bottle of gin, tears streaming down her face as she allowed all her dark thoughts to consume her. An onlooker might think that something terrible must have happened and that this poor girl would hopefully be okay again soon but to Rose this was a regular occurrence lately. She had been so focused on being better and pretending that she no longer struggled with depression and the pain of her past self but when she was alone there were no distractions to stop a spiraling mind. Rose continued drinking and drinking, until she finally passed out on her bed clutching the empty bottle of gin as if it were a stuffed animal to bring her any sort of comfort.

Mr. Hampton was also still awake at the early hours of the new day, a student of his stuck on his mind...Rose. He was curious as to how the short amount of time that he saw her yesterday had escalated so quickly into something he had never expected. She was drunk, he had been aware that some of his students would have a drink or two before class but he has never seen someone so blatantly drunk as Rose. He wondered what happened to her confidence from the time she was staring at him all through the lecture with bouncing eyes to when she broke into tears apologizing for her behaviour. Mr. Hampton was satisfied at the idea knowing Rose was at least home safe rather than the possibility of her recklessly trying to walk home in icy conditions, and it was this thought, the one of Rose being safe, that allowed him to finally drift off to sleep.


Mr. Hampton's day started as they did everyday, getting ready for his classes, heading to the university, and lecturing his day away. The only thing different about today was he felt curious about seeing Rose today in his afternoon English class, he wondered if she would be okay today, would she be hungover? Likely, he thought. He also wondered if she would act as if nothing had happened and be back to her usual self in his class or if she would seek to provide him an understanding of yesterday's behaviour. Only a couple hours until he would find out.

Rose on the other hand, her day was not all. Rose didn't wake up until noon, missing all her morning classes. She also didn't plug her phone in and has missed many messages and phone calls from her worried friends. Even now that Rose was awake, she wasn't feeling awake. No lights were turned on in her little suite, the blinds were all drawn, all that could be seen was her rummaging around in the fridge for a bottle of wine she knew she had open. Rose wasn't okay today, not at all, mentally Rose didn't feel like she'd ever be okay again, but she knew she just needed time to numb herself out of her depressive episode until she could fake the joy and get on with her life again.


Mr. Hampton's POV

It was finally time for my final English period of the day, the one that had Rose in it. I made my way to the classroom and felt a tiny bit disappointed that she wasn't one of the few students in the room yet, but there was still 15 minutes before class starts.

The minutes ticked by and Will and Ella made their way in, no Rose yet. At exactly 1:30 Meredith walked into the door and rushed to her seat, no sign of Rose at all and it was time to begin teaching.

I was finishing up with my lecture and gave my closing thoughts on our topic at hand how writing changed history and reminded the students of their upcoming essays on the same topic.

Everyone began scurrying out of the room and I almost felt my mouth call out to Meredith to ask her if she knew where Rose was today but I stopped myself as it isn't any of my business really, one missed class isn't my concern, so why do I care so much?

As night approaches I was sitting in my home office grading some papers when I couldn't stop thinking about her green eyes crying as she choked out the words I'm sorry. That image played over and over in my head. She had seemed so defeated when I drove her home, understandably so, but it felt like there was more to it. Getting caught being drunk generally doesn't make someone cry and act timid, they usually just realize their mistake get sober and continue on.

The thoughts of those sad green eyes on that pale white skin with dyed black hair were all I thought about as I went to sleep, I wanted to know why they were so hurt. I settled with the idea that I would see Rose tomorrow in class, surly she wouldn't miss another, and I drifted off to sleep.


The next day when English rolled around again I waited patiently for my students to all arrive when I heard Meredith coming in talking to Will and Ella.

"I don't know what's up with her you guys" Meredith spoke sounding concerned.

"Yeah I tried to call her last night to see if she wanted to hang but she didn't answer that or my texts" Will mentioned.

"Do you think she's okay?" Ella asked her friends. "Mer you seem to know all her secrets what do you think happened?"

"I don't know all her secrets Ella" Meredith sighed, "I don't know what's up with her, I've texted her a billion times and she hasn't replied yet. God I hate that she's always coming over to our houses because to be honest guys I don't know where she lives since she moved! Otherwise I'd drive over there and check on her. But I'm sure she's fine, its Rose she's the light of every party! She'll be back tomorrow I'm sure of it!"

I watched the group of friends interact and was stunned that they hadn't heard from her in two days. They don't even know where she lives to check up on her?

As I gave a lecture continuing on yesterday's topic I noticed Meredith check her phone every time it buzzed, which normally I'd get mad about and ask her to put it away but not today, she's looking for a response from Rose and every time it wasn't her I could see a frown cross Meredith's face.

Class ended and I was sitting in my car letting the heater defrost the windows. I put the car in drive but wasn't focused, my mind subconsciously drove the different route I took two days ago, to Rose's. I'm not sure what I'm doing here but it feels almost like a civic duty that I need to give her a wellness check considering no one has heard from her or knows where she lives, I told myself this to convince myself of why I was even here.

I thought about what I was going to do, feeling nervous which is something I don't ever feel. I shoved my unwelcome nerves aside and put my professor confidence on as I walked over and knocked on her door.

No answer.

I looked to the window but noticed the blinds shut and the lights off, maybe she wasn't here?

I knocked one last time just in case, and heard movement. I heard what sounded like glass bouncing on the floor and a "fuck" quietly muttered before the door lock clicked and opened to a scene I had not expected.

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