Chapter 4

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Rose's POV

I was laying in bed trying to summon my brain to just stop working for once when I heard a knock on my door. I couldn't be bothered to get up, confused as no one knows where I live and my landlords were away for the winter on vacation to a warmer spot. Must be some sales guy or something I figure.

Another round of knocking occurred and I begrudgingly got off my bed and started towards the door. I was too drunk to walk straight and ended up hitting my side table knocking a bottle on to the cold tile floor.

"Fuck" I muttered but kept on towards the door. I unlocked the bolt and opened the door to see "Mr. Hampton?" I slurred out leaning my body into the door frame to keep my balance.

"Rose?" My name came out of his mouth like a question.

"Mhm that's unfortunately me sir...fuck its cold out here" I shivered with the door open, I was only wearing some pj shorts and a too small tank top I've had for years. I turned and started to walk back into my suite towards my couch that had a big warm blanket on it, that's all I wanted in this moment, my warmmm blanket.

"Rose" His voice sounded different it wasn't the hard teacher lecture voice I was used to, it was softer, kinder, "I apologize for the intrusion, I-"

"Please close the door its too cold" I blurted while slumping on the couch in my drunken state.

"I-I yes okay" I heard the door shut and closed my eyes guessing he had left.

"I came to check in on you Rose, I was worried after our conversation on Tuesday and then you didn't show to Wednesday's class or today's and I overheard your friends mention they were worried about you and didn't know how to check on you not knowing where you live."

"So you've come to check on me?" I opened my eyes and found Mr. Hampton sitting on the coffee table right in front of me looking directly into my eyes. His eyes darted around my place no doubt cringing at the absolute mess it was in. Liquor bottles everywhere, clothes all over the floor, garbage not taken out...a general depressive mess.

"Yes I-"

"I'm sorry about the mess, I'm not usually this messy" I admitted to him adjusting my position to lay on the couch with the blanket on me.

"It's okay Rose, I apologize for showing up like this, but I need to ask, are you okay? Have you been drunk all day?" It was cute how he sounded concerned for me.

I began chuckling, "Me? Okay? Hahaha, oh Mr. Hampton you silly silly man, haha I'm just perfectly dandy can't you tell? Haha and drunk all day yess" I slurred out, "been drunk since Tuesday Sir" I started laughing at how ridiculous I must seem, then I started laughing about how pathetic I must seem, then I choked on my laughs and started crying about how awfully embarrassing this situation was and how much I wished in this moment I didn't exist.

"Oh Rose, what's wrong?" He reached out his arm and put his hand on my wet cheek trying to wipe some of the tears from my face.

"It's nothing I'm just, I'm just drunk, and tired" I sobbed out, it wasn't a lie completely, I am drunk and I have barely slept in two days.

"Okay, Rose, I'll leave you be if that's what you need." He said softly with his hand still on my cheek.

I quickly brought my hand up to his and held it onto my face as he was about to pull away. "Please don't leave" I half whispered half cried out, "I don't want to be alone"

"Okay Rose, I'll sit here with you for a little bit" I saw him give me a half hearted smile, "You're tired Rose, it's okay, close your eyes."

"Ok...but please stay" I felt myself drifting into sleep, "I really don't want to be alone" I whispered before falling asleep.


Mr. Hampton's POV

I sat for a minute more on the coffee table just looking at Rose, she just seemed so peaceful but troubled in her sleep. When her hand fell from holding mine I knew she was asleep and I was able to move my hand back to me. I stood and looked around assessing the suite.

It was messy, and I mean messier than that moody teenager in every movie. The place looked clean just un-kept. I couldn't help but think that maybe Rose really didn't normally live like this and I could be a help and at least pick up all of the liquor bottles off the floor and put them into a bag. I walked into her kitchen to find an empty garbage bag under the sink and also found an overflowing trash can that I may as well take out for her. I don't know why I am doing this but she asked to not be alone, so I guess I'll stay for a bit to make sure she's okay.

I was walking around picking up cooler cans that had been tossed on the floor and other returnable cans and bottles when I found her phone lying on the floor under her bed. I picked it up and realized it was dead so I looked and found the charger to bring it back to life for her. Maybe if her phone was charged she could text her friends to let them know she was alive to ease their worries.

After removing all the trash and recyclables from the floor it was really just all her clothes that made the place look messy messy. I figured I could leave them not knowing what was clean or dirty. I went back to the kitchen to get Rose a glass of water for when she awoke and noticed that all her dishes were dirty, I loaded everything but a glass into the dishwasher and turned it on for her. I washed the glass in the sink before filling it with some water just in time to hear her call out from the couch,

"Mr. Hampton?" she sounded so small, "did you leave me?" She questioned softly, sounding broken.

I quickly made my way back to the front of the couch were she would be able to see me, "no, no Rose, I'm right here, I didn't leave, I'm right here" I cooed. Something about this girl just made my heart ache for her, I felt no control over myself in this situation. "Here I brought you some water, can you sit up and have a sip for me?"

She obliged, having a sip before getting a very sour look on her face. "I'm gonna be sick" Rose stood up and stumbled quickly into her bathroom, heaving herself over the toilet and violently releasing.

I ran behind her trying to figure out what I could do. I sat on the tub ledge and grabbed all her hair back out of her face while gently rubbing her back watching her frail body expel all of her liquid liquor diet out.

When Rose finished puking she scooted herself back from the toilet to rest her back against the tub, which also happened to be between my legs, she rested her head on my thigh while I put my hand on her forehead gently rubbing her hair back. This position felt made me feel so close to her, protective of her.

"Mr. Hampton?" Rose sighed.

"Hmm?" I replied

"Thank you Mr. Hampton"

"I'm just glad you're okay Rose, call me Benjamin"

"Ok, thank you Benjamin" She sighed in content against my leg, "Can I ask you for one more favour?"

"Anything" and in this moment I meant it.

"Can you please take me to my bed? I feel too weak to move, but I'm so tired Benjamin, I'm just so tired" Rose sounded completely innocent in this moment, she needed help and I wasn't going to say no.

From the position we were in I scooped Rose into my arms and carried her to her bed, I gently laid her down and grabbed the big warm blanket off the couch. Rose seemed asleep when I put the blanket onto her so I figured it was okay if I left now. I grabbed the water cup from the coffee table and put it beside her on the bedside table.

"Sleep tight Rose, I hope you feel better tomorrow" I whispered and brushed the hair from her face.

"Thank you Benjamin" She whispered back as I turned and left.

I closed the front door behind me and got in my car. It was late now, nearly 9pm. This was not what I had expected at all from this 'wellness check', but I'm glad I came, I'm glad I was able to be there for her in a time of need.


At home I lay in bed thinking about what a crazy day that was, but I couldn't help but notice the swelling in my heart when I thought about how Rose held my hand to her cheek and asked me to stay, or when I thought about her resting her head on my thigh. What was this girl doing to me?

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