Did you know...

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• Did you guys know that S.H.I.EL.D. Stands for, "Strategic, Homeland, Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistic Division"
• Did you know that...
•Make up between 5% and 10% of the population (depending on who you ask)
•More likely to have allergies
•More prone to migraines
•More likely to be insomniacs
•Use the right side of the brain the most
•Three times more likely to become alcoholics - the right side of the brain has a lower tolerance to alcohol!
•More likely to be on extreme poles of the intelligence scale
•Tend to reach puberty 4 to 5 months later than right handers
•More likely to suffer stuttering and dyslexia
•Twice as likely to be a man (I am not a man and I, Wonderworks101 is left-handed!)
•Better at 3D perception and thinking
Better at multi-tasking
•Live on average 9 years less than right handed people
•39% more likely to be homosexual
Interesting Left Handed Trivia
Left handed pens are a thing! Who knew!?
•Make especially good baseball players, tennis players, swimmers, boxers and fencers (almost 40% of the top tennis players are lefties)
•Celebrate left handed day once a year - August 13th - International Left Handers Day
•Draw figures facing to the right
•Recover from strokes faster
More likely to pursue creative careers
Of the seven most recent U.S •Presidents, 4 have been left handed
Left handed college graduates go on to become 26% richer than right handed graduates
•On a QWERTY keyboard there are 1447 English words typed solely with the left hand, whilst only 187 are typed with the right hand.
•Bizarre Left Handed Statistics
Adjust to seeing underwater quicker
Less able to roll their tongue than a righty
•Nails grow faster on the left hand than the right
•So we'll live for nine years less than right handed people
* Further Reading - Check out these highly recommended books!
The Left Stuff: How the Left-Handed Have Survived and Thrived in a Right-Handed World by Melissa Roth
Left Is Right: The Survival Guide for Living Lefty in a Right-Handed World by Rae Lindsay
The Puzzle of Left-Handedness by Rik Smits
The Left-Hander Syndrome: The Causes and Consequences of Left-Handedness by Stanley Coren*
Wonderworks101 😄~
I found this online so credit to whoever wrote this. I don't know if it's completely true but I thought It was cool so yeah.

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