More Randomness!

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1.) that awkward moment when you're late to class and when you walk in everyone stares at you as if you had just murdered someone

2.) singing with your headphones on then realizing how Loud you are

3.) people who don't know me think I'm shy, people who do know me wish I was

4.) that awkward moment in class when everyone is laughing and you're just like, "what's so funny?" Then they laugh even more

5.) when you try to fix or get out of a bad situation when ok realize that you have only made it 10 times worse

6.) *low battery*
*low battery*
*low battery*
Well apparently you're battery isn't low if you have enough to tell me it's low every five seconds

7.) that annoying moment when you're trying to type a word correctly and even auto correct can't figure out what you're trying to type

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