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Whatz up guys! The sky is whatz up. Well anyways, I wanted to tell you guys that I started a knew book, and it's Percy Jackson Fanfic, it's called "Percy Jackson, The Salvation" I have 5 chapters for it so far so please check it out! Now it's time for, drum roll please! Aw, you guys are no fun.
It's time for, random quotes of the day! I just made that up!
Ok, random quote of the day,
"Tears are words unwritten, until he came along and found the words that go to them."
Bam what! So that's all peeps! I'll see you tomorrow! Thank you, thank you everybody! Peace out and all of that demigodleshness!
⚡️🐭~"I have Zeus's master lightning bolt! Mwa ha ha ha ha! Squeak! I hate being mouse..."

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