Story Time!

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(Here is a cute little story that I made up when I was younger)
One day a storm broke out and it rained and rained and rained. After the rain cleared up, in it's place there was a beautiful rainbow in the sky!
The rainbow consists of the colors, red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet.
"I'm the most important color of all." Red began.
"Because I am the color of the most beautiful flowers and sweetest fruits." He stated smugly.
Orange snorted. "No way, everyone knows that the sweetest fruits are my thing, after all I do have a fruit named after me." He remarked.
"Puh-lease." Yellow butted in. "In the color of the sun, and the sun warms everything and it's what keeps things alive, well, for most of the part that is." She retorted. "Wait, wait, wait, wait." Green stopped Yellow.
"I'm the color of the grass, without me, Red can't grow his flowers and Orange can't grow his vegetables."
She said. "I make up the majority of the earth! Except Alaska of course." Green informed them. "Oh wow, like grass is so amazing!"
Blue said snobbishly.
"I am the color of the sky and ocean! People need water to survive, duh!" Blue said.
"Ok, ok. All of you big fat, lazy butt, know that I'm the most important, because I hold all of you up in the sky! I'm the glue! Without me all of you would stumble and fall! That makes me the most important!" Violet shrieked.
"You know what, I'm going to show you all how important I can be and am without you!" Red shouted causing the other colors to gasp.
Suddenly, Red split apart from the group.
"Anyone else want to show everyone how important they are on their own, be my guest." Red stated firmly.
Then Orange split apart. "Peace out peeps!" Orange said. Then Yellow split away.
"This is goodbye I guess." She said, sort of sad.
Then Green split apart. "I'm going to show you all how important I am!"
She informed them.
Them Blue split apart, leaving only Violet. "Not If I prove you all wrong first!" Blue spat angrily.
"Well that's fine by me." Violet exclaimed.
All of the colors parted ways and kept their distances, determined to show who was truly the most important.
🌞🌞🌞🌞 days later 🌜🌜🌜🌜🌜
Suddenly, Red felt sad and lonely. She missed her friends. Tears swelled up in her eyes. A few trickled down her cheeks.
Orange was feeling similar as his bottom lip quivered slightly. He sniffled.
Yellow began to cry and mourn for her friends.
Green began to sob.
Blue cried oceans of tears. Violet felt empty and weak. She needed her friends.
Then, Red started running, Orange started racing, Yellow began to sprint, Green began to dash, Blue leaped, Violet speed walk.
Soon, the colors all crashed into each other. "Ow." They all said in sync.
"Listen, guys, I'm sorry I ever said that we should split up." Red apologized.
"Me too. We let our vanity get the best of us." Orange agreed. "We should of never done it." Yellow stated.
"It was stupid." Green added. "We're all better together then by ourselves." Blue continued. "And that's how we should always be. Together, as one."
Violet finished. Red smiled and reached out a hand to Orange, how accepted it and smiled back. Orange grinned at Yellow who giggled slight as Orange offered out his hand to her.
Thankfully, she took it. Yellow then stretched out her arm and held it out for Green. Green gratefully took it.
Green reached her hand out to Blue who smiled in approval and accepted it.
Blue put his hand out Violet who nodded and took it. Then, as if by magic, once again, a beautiful rainbow was in the sky.
"Let's promise to never do that again." Violet stated, earning a view laughs.
"Ya, I agree, we're all important, the rainbow can't happen with just one color." Yellow agreed. "We're better together."
Blue added.
"We're better as one, not a bunch of single strips of color in the air." Green informed them. "I love you guys." Red said.
The other colors agreed and to this day, after a rainy storm, you might be able to still see those colors outside your window, smiling and looking down upon you.
The end...
*hey guys, so I hope you liked my little story! I thought it was quite cute so I wanted to share it with you all. Thank you so much for the votes and please leave a comment for me. I love feedback and seeing what you guys have to say for my work. Once again, thank you so much, until next time!*

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