
17 1 0

Hi guys! Yay! I'm half way to one hundred! I will do my happy dance now!
Hurray! I half to think of something amazing to do when I reach my 100th post!
If you guys have any ideas for me, please tell me. My one hundredth post has to stand out from all of the others. It has to be something awesome!
Something incredible! Something that's random!
Yay Minecraft!
See, that was random. Yup. Randomness is everything, next to sarcasm, because who doesn't love sarcasm?
I can't believe that this is my 50th post! Yay!
Funny joke:
"You know your getting older when the candles cost more then your cake!"
Today was my friends birthday. Whoa, I have no idea on how I changed the font of the writing, but it looks cool!
But it takes up a lot of room... Let's see if I can change it back to normal...
Nope, not normal.
Is this Normal? Nope, not yet. Still working on it.
Ugh! I can't figure it out! Blah!
I can do this!
No I can't! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!
How do I fix this? Ahhhhhhh! That was me screaming! Ahhhhhhh!
That is still me screaming! I don't get this!
Cvhjjgewwtjjwfvher. This makes no sense at all whatsoever.
I give up. Well, I'll see you guys in my next post. Well, I won't really "see" you guys, but you know what I mean! If you guys know how to fix this, please tell me!
Thanks again for reading, commenting and voting!
See ya real soon!

Randomness!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum