10 Perks about being Short:

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1.) You can squeeze into really tight and small places to hide or to get something

2.) you can cuddle without happening to worry about getting hurt

3.) it's also really easy for your boyfriend to kiss you on your forehead because it's right there, (I have never had a boyfriend though)

4.) you can wear really high heals without being to tall and still look good in them

5.) you can go shopping in the kid's section and plus it's cheaper there anyways

6.) being short in a crowd with tall people is no problem. The tall people will feel bad for you and let you in front of them. They won't care because they can see over you

7.) it comes in handy when your taking group pictures because you get put up front where people can actually see you

8.) and here's a cool power. Never underestimate be able to go underneath someone's legs. When your playing basketball you can easily get around your opponent and make your shot

9.) and don't forget. Your the boss at limbo. You can go down so much lower then the tall people. Easy win.

10.) and sometimes if your lucky and you can't reach something a school, a really cute boy will help you out

So don't be afraid to embrace your shortness and be proud of it!

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