Quotes for All...

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1.) I walk down the street or just walking anywheres listening to music, and I feel like I'm apart of a music video. Does anyone else feel the same?

2.) That look you give your friend when the teacher says you can pick your own partner for the project

3.) when you text something and the auto correct doesn't understand it and changes it just when you send it...

4.) when your texting something and the person who your texting asks you something then you have to change your whole text

5.) life ends when you stop dreaming. Hope ends when you stop believing. Love ends when you begin to hate. So love, live and hope.

7.) learn to accept who you are and ignore bad things that people say about you. Laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears and know that everything happens for a reason.

8.) the walk of Shame: when you want to buy something and your mom says, "no" and you have to put it back...

9.) waiting until your parents are in a good mood before asking for something you want.

10.) taking multiple choice test:
'Hmmmmm, A, B, C, or D.' Well, 'C' is usually the right answer, but I haven't chosen 'D' for the last 5 questions so 'D' it is!'

11.) the reason of why our knees get weak when your with the person you love because it took so long to find them

12.) I use my iPod as a flashlight and hit random buttons to keep it on.

13.) "no offense" means "I'm about to insult you but don't get offended."

14.) me: "mom can I go study up in my room?" Mom: "sure, I'll be up in a few minutes to check on you though." Me: "ok." *runs upstairs and plops down on bed. Plays on iPod. Mom comes up the stairs, quickly shuts off iPod and pretends to be studying.*

15.) dear teacher,
I talk to everyone, so moving my seat won't help.

16.) the moment of joy when your at a restaurant and you see your food coming

17.) the tragic moment when you check the price tag then sadly walk away...

18.) the scary moment when your about to sleep and the scenes of a recent horror film flashes through your mind.

19.) "let's take a picture!" ~Friend #1 "ok!" ~Friend #2 *takes picture then looks at it.* "I love it!" ~Friend #1 "Delete it." ~Friend #2

20.) shutting down your computer then realizing that you need it again...

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