𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙏𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚: 𝙁𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝙅𝙖𝙢𝙚𝙨 𝙈𝙘𝘾𝙡𝙤𝙪𝙙 :𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙃𝙤𝙩𝙚𝙡: 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙊𝙣𝙚

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"When are you going to stop drinking Wolf? You know how nasty that is for your liver. And the smoking, you always smell like an ashtray." James said calmly, yet exasperated. "Well?" He folded his arms at the younger male.
"I can't just quit immediately James, it's....it's complicated okay? I have a lot of shit memories from my childhood and it's the only way I can forget. The cigs calm me down when I'm stressed out, without them I'm just walking anxiety." He popped the end of another cigarette in his mouth and lit it, puffing deeply. "I'm sorry I'm not perfect the way you want."
James sighed in defeat. "Then just try to go easy on them okay? You have your entire life ahead of you and I don't want to have to burry you because of alcohol poisoning or lung cancer. I love you." He hugged Wolf tightly and kissed his neck. "Now, we didn't met here to argue, we came to make love. I got the best room I could find. Come on." He held his hand as he led Wolf up the back stairwell instead of using the elevator.
Wolf chuckled. "Horny are ya James shades?"
James chuckled. "Why do you call me that? Not that I mind."
Wolf smirked. "Cause you're always wearing shades and it's just ... you. You wouldn't be James without them." He kissed his cheek. "Have any nickname for me you want to try?"
James smiled. "Yeah, Wolf spikes. Because of your spiky attire."
Wolf grinned. "That's cute." He kissed James deeply. "How soon can we get to that room?" He asked seductively, running his hands down James' chest to his waist.
"In a few minutes if you get that tight ass moving." James grinned, giving Wolf's rear a slap.
Wolf let out a moan and ran up the stairs, stopping at the door for level twenty-five.
James opened the door and they stepped into the empty hallway. He pulled out his keycard and unlocked room 792. "Here we are, luxury suite complete with hot tub and full room service."
Wolf let out a whistle. "Goin' all out this time. Damn this is nice." His tail wagged happily. "This is spectacular, thank you James. Ya didn't have to do this for me."
James pulled him close. "Yes I did, you deserve the finer things in life. You've lived without them long enough."
Wolf smiled and nuzzled his neck. "Thank you James shades."
"Want to try out the hot tub? I brought swim trunks for you." James grinned.
Wolf played hard to get. "Depends. What do they look like?"
James smirked and went to the suitcase that was laying on the bed and opened it, pulling out black swim trunks and held them up.
Wolf smiled, tail wagging. "I'll wear those, glad ya know I don't want those rainbow ones."
James chuckled. "I know you love black, blue, purple and silver, so I took a wild guess that you would like black and blue swim trunks."
Wolf laughed. "I love that sense of humor." He got undressed and put the swim trunks on, liking how they fit tight and accentuated his sheath. "They're perfect. Thank ya James." He was genuinely happy. James treated him wonderfully and with love. He went to James and wrapped his arms around his waist, looking up at him and smiled. "You're so perfect James."
James smiled and kissed him deeply. "I'm not perfect, but thank you for the compliment." His tail swayed in contentment. "The hot tub is already warmed and waiting. It has one hundred jets and is on the top balcony. And there's another surprise when we get up there." He kissed him lovingly.
Wolf kissed back and wrapped his arms around his neck. "Let's go then." He smiled.
James held his hand and led him to the fire escape and up to the roof. "Let me cover your eyes." He stood behind Wolf and placed his hands over the young male's eyes.
Wolf laughed as he continued up the steps. "You're cute. What's the surprise?"
"You'll find out." James was happy with this young wolf, if only others would be able to accept them. He could never take Wolf out on a real date and that hurt him deeply. But he hoped that these special visits would make it up to Wolf, at least give him a taste of the life he deserved.
He hasn't told Wolf about his family, not wanting to upset him. He loved his wife, but she understood that he wasn't straight and he was shocked when she had told him he could go find a boyfriend if he wanted. She didn't want him to feel trapped or feel ashamed of his sexuality. She only asked for a pup in return, which he was more than happy to give her.
He stopped and kissed Wolf's neck. "Now you can look." He moved his hands.
Wolf's eyes adjusted to the dim candle light and he saw a small black table topped with a deep blue tablecloth and silver dishes, a bottle of red wine, two wine glasses and covered tray on a cart. He smiled broadly, tail wagging fast. "I... James this is so beautiful." He felt elated and turned to hug him tightly. "You're wonderful." He said , voice filled with love.
James kisses him deeply and put an arm around his shoulder, leading him to the table and pulled a chair out for him, then slid it back as Wolf sat. He poured the wine and then took the lid off the tray, serving Wolf first. The dinner was a steak with chives, seasoned potatoes and sautéed green beans in a garlic sauce. He then severed himself and sat.
Wolf's mouth watered at the amazing scents and he smiled at James. "Ya really didn't need to do all of this for me James. But thank ya for it. It's the most amazing thing I've ever experienced. I'll never forget this."
James held his hands from across the table. "You're welcome Wolf, this is just the beginning of the things to come. Now enjoy your dinner." He smiled lovingly.

As they ate, they exchanged stories of their latest endeavors, Wolf's not as exciting as the great captain of Star Fox.

Wolf grinned after they finished dinner. "Hot tub?" He asked seductively.
James nodded. "Hot tub." He stood and pulled Wolf's chair out for him.

"Such a gentleman." Wolf smiled, tail wagging. "The first I've ever met. I sure didn't have an example of a good man set by my father." His ears lowered slightly at some of the worst memories trying to come forward.
James gently nudged him, " Hey...come on let's get going " James kissed him lovingly. "Don't worry about him, you're with me now, he can't hurt you or ruin this for you."
Wolf smiled a bit and his tail picked up speed, his ears perking up. "Thank ya James. Ya always know how to cheer me up." He stood and laid his head on James' shoulder as they walked to the hot tub.
James held his lover's hand and smiled. "Ready?" He winked, giving him a soft nuzzle.
Wolf nodded. "More ready than I've ever been." He grinned seductively.
James chuckled and started to strip for his mate.
Wolf eyed James' muscles. "I'll never get tired of seeing you strip." He let the lust into his voice. "So strong and muscular."
James chuckled with a purr kissing his mates neck " And you? So adorable and handsome... strip for me Wolf." He nipped his collarbone.
Wolf blushed deeply and smirked. "Anything ya want James shades." He slowly removed the swim trunks and set them on the edge of the hot tub.
James smirked and chuckled. "In you go love." He said , taking Wolf's hand and gently helping him in.
Wolf stepped into the hot tub, tail wagging happily, accidentally splashing James. "Heh, sorry James." He sank into the warm water and moaned in contentment as the jets soothed his muscles. "This is amazing." He smiled up at his lover.
James sat next to him with a contented sigh. "It sure is."
Wolf leaned against his side. "Will you always come to visit me?" He kissed him lovingly.
"Of course I will Wolf. Next time, I'll take you on a vacation with me. There's a resort planet that I know about and always wanted to visit. It's full of oceans and beautiful beaches with sand every color imaginable and the sky is amazingly beautiful. It's a paradise." He kissed Wolf deeply, holding his face gently. He broke the kiss and looked into his eyes lovingly. "I wish I could completely bring you into my life Wolf. Give you a home and be able to be seen in public without ridicule. I'm sorry that society is like this, so narrow-minded."
Wolf nuzzled him. "It's not your fault James shades, I wouldn't want ya to take the chance on being stripped of your rank or losing your team. Despite the fact that I will always be trying to stop ya, your Star Fox is needed. I can't quit who I work for ... he'd kill me and my crew, not that they are really good people, but I have to look out for 'em. I'm stuck because of a dumb mistake and there's no way to undo it. But, thanks for the thought James." He moved to lay on his lover. "So ya really don't mind that you're older than me?"
James shook his head. "Not at all. What about my age? I'm forty-two and you're twenty-one." He laid his ears back.
Wolf kissed him deeply. "I would love ya even if ya were a hundred. It's the sole that counts."
James wrapped his arms around Wolf and held him close. "I'm glad that I answered that flyer two years ago."
"So am I James. I wouldn't have met ya if I wasn't desperate for money." He nuzzled James' neck and started kissing him lovingly. "I love ya James."
James let out a deep moan and pulled Wolf closer, feeling up his back and sides. He then grinned and broke the kiss. "Wolf, look." He pointed to the sky.
Wolf looked up and smiled, tail wagging. "A meteor shower! I've never seen one like this before!" He turned so he was laying next to James and nestled against him. "It's so beautiful." He said in wonder. Thank ya James, for everything."
James kissed him lovingly. "You're welcome Wolf, you deserve it." He wrapped an arm around him as they enjoyed the spectacular sight.

Word Count: 1,776
Song: Danger Zone by Kenny Loggins

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