𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙁𝙤𝙪𝙧: 𝙁𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝙅𝙖𝙢𝙚𝙨 𝙈𝙘𝘾𝙡𝙤𝙪𝙙 :𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙃𝙤𝙩𝙚𝙡 :𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙏𝙬𝙤

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James nuzzled Wolf lovingly. "The hotel room has a huge skylight. Would you like to make love under the stars? It will be good luck." He smiled seductively.
Wolf smiled lovingly and kissed him deeply. "That's so romantic." He gently touched the sides of James face , entwining his fingers in the long fur. "I love your fur James. So perfect and soft."
James smiled lovingly. "Yours would be as well if you used shampoo and washed more often." He fluffed the fur on top of Wolf's head.
Wolf chuckled. "I know, I just don't have that luxury though. I can't afford shampoo and besides, the water in my place is so bad that it tastes like metal and it's brown, so there's no way that's good for my fur. The landlord won't fix it." He looked down. "James, are ya... turned off by...the scars.... on my
body? From the cuts and old cigarette burns?"
James shook his head. "Of course not Wolf, I love you the way you are." He smiled lovingly, looking deeply into his eyes.
Wolf smiled sadly. "Can I tell ya what they're from?"
James nodded. "You can tell me anything you want my Wolf spikes." He kissed him deeply and held him close.
Wolf hid his face in James' neck. "My Dad.... When I was little.... just three years old... my Mom died gettin' hit by a vehicle... because I... I ran into the street chasin' my favorite ball... and Dad blamed me for it... He'd beat me every day.... and when that wasn't enough, he started beatin' me with objects and burnin' me with his cigarettes.... He said that I deserved it for causin' my Mom to die... that I was a murderer..." He let out a choked sob.
James held Wolf tightly " Shh shh....Well your father was wrong...it wasn't your fault, nothing is, and why didn't you tell anyone what he was doing?" He asked sadly, gently stroking his head.
Wolf hid his face more. "He was the only family I had... I knew kids at school that were even gettin' raped by their foster parents, so I decided that gettin' beaten wasn't that bad... And I thought that he would stop and go back to calling me Daddy's pup.... and that he loved me and was proud of me.... but that's never goin' to happen... That's why I drink... I started when I was twelve... It was the only thing I could do to cope..."
James was saddened and held Wolf even closer " Shhh shh....it's okay now...your safe with me and never will have to live that life again. I promise."
Wolf kissed his neck lovingly. "Thank ya James... I love ya." He looked up at him, tail wagging slightly. "I really want to make love now, I need to feel ya touch me and love me." He smirked seductively. "And feel you deep..."
James chuckled, softly and slowly stroking his sides. "Are you sure?" He smiled.
Wolf nodded. "I'm sure." He grinned mischievously. "Or can't ya keep it up pops?" He chuckled, slowly rubbing James' chest. "Damn your fur is amazing.... you're amazing... and so sexy...." He slowly kissed James' chest and moved his hands to his lover's hips.
James growled softly. "Don't push me Pup... else you might regret it with a sore ass tomorrow." He winked, letting Wolf know they were being playful.
Wolf grinned, playing along. "Oh? I highly doubt ya could leave this experienced ass sore... Ya sure about that claim?" He slowly licked his chest.
James growled softly "You better say your prayers Pup." He winked and kissed Wolf deeply, flipping him onto his stomach and roughly pinned his arms down, slipping between his legs, giving powerful thrusts against his ass.
Wolf let out a moan and pushed his ass against James' thick rod. "You're really big for an old guy." He smirked with a chuckle, hoping he hadn't crossed a line.
James Chuckled softly. "Welp this 'Old guy' is about to pound your sorry little ass." He winked and slammed into Wolf, firmly shoving his hips flush against his ass, his rod thick, hot and pulsing in need.
Wolf moaned deeply, gripping the edge of the hot tub and pushed his ass back onto James' rod, loving how his lover filled him so completely.
James chuckled deeply and gripped his waist, grinding against him "You like this Pup? Well, prepare now while you have time." He said as he pulled out of his mate completely and picked him up, carrying him back to their room. He  opened the door and shut it, then laid Wolf on his back the floor in front of the fireplace and roughly kissed and licked his neck. He held Wolf's thighs and slid back into his tight hole and setting a steady pace.
Wolf panted heavily and moaned deeply, gripping the the rug tightly, claws sinking into it. "Fuck me James..! Ahh yes!!" He raised his tail more, wanting nothing more than to feel his lover's rod go balls deep into him. "Harder! Deeper!"
James smirked and did as his partner wanted, holding his hips in place as he gazed into his eye lovingly. "Wolf, will you ever let me see you without the eyepatch?"
Wolf shook his head. "At the... resort planet... I promise." He said between heavy pants, tongue lolling out the side. "Ahh! James yes!!!" He arched his back as the new level of pleasure washed through him."
James smiled. "Okay, at the resort." He leaned forward to kiss Wolf deeply, entwining their tongues. He moved his right hand to gently hold the back of Wolf's head while he used his other hand to maintain his hold on Wolf's hip. He began to grind his hips, then made side-to-side motions before going back to thrusting. He felt his knot pop out of his sheath, causing him to moan deeply in pleasure. He thrust faster, the feeling of his knot brushing Wolf's hole a welcomed pleasure.
Wolf groaned and gasped, his back arching as he dug his claws into James' back. " Ah....f-fuck James...Hah!! Ah! Yes!!" He moaned in his lover's ear, panting heavily, chest heaving.
James on the other hand, growled in pleasure, thrusting harder into Wolf's hole, holding his hips tightly, loving the feeling of Wolf's claws in his back. "S-Shit pup.....So...fucking...tight!" He snarled, slamming his hips against Wolf faster and harder, the heat of the fireplace making their scents stronger and more heated.
Wolf moaned and whimpered slightly. "F-fuck! Ah! Yes James hn!!" He blushed as James nuzzled his face and licked his lips before kissing him and hugging him tight. "I'm....I'm close!" He said, growling louder, small grunts mixed into his heavy breaths. "James!!" He came hard, eye rolling back in pleasure as he held onto James' shoulders tightly.
James gave a final thrust, his knot pushing into Wolf's hole before he came, pumping himself empty inside his partner. He held Wolf close, slowly kissing his neck. The only sounds in the room were their panting and crackle of the logs in the fireplace.
Once they recovered, James was the first to speak. "I love you Wolf. I never want us to part. I promise that someday, we will have our home in the mountains where we can grow old together."
Wolf smiled and gently stroked the fur on James' face. "I don't care if we live in a cardboard box, as long as we are together, that's all that matters. Ya are what matters to me James, not a place of things. I would rather have ya than all the wealth in the universe."
James smiled lovingly and kissed him gently. "I feel the same way Wolf. You're amazing and I swear that I'll get rid of Andross so you can be free. You deserve to be free to live your life without fear. To live somewhere other than in that ramshackle apartment. No one should have to live in such a place."
Wolf nodded. "I know... but it's okay. It's livable. I don't think I could handle being out in public, people starin' at us, whisperin' behind our back. I'm happy the way we are. Although that mountain home does sounds wonderful." He kissed James deeply. "Want to go on the bed?" He grinned, hoping for a second round later.
James saw the mischievous glint in his eye and nodded. "I do my love. Hold onto me." He wrapped an arm around Wolf's torso and slowly stood.
Wolf wrapped his legs around his lover's waist and held him tightly. "Your knot feels so good inside me right now." He moaned quietly.
James smirked. "Next round you get to be alpha." He whispered seductively, laying him on the bed and settling next to him. They began kissing slowly, lovingly and passionately, pulling away to look deeply into each other's eyes.
"We'll always be together Wolf. That's a promise."

////////// End Flashback \\\\\\\\\\

Wolf sighed deeply, staring at the alcohol in his hand. At the time, he had no idea that was the last time he would see James. That he would be the cause of his lover's death. He murdered the one he loved the most... all because of a damn war he hated and wanted no part of. He hated Andross with a burning fury. He had done his bidding all for a father who never deserved his sympathy. Ceal O'Donnell was a worthless drunk who would never truly be sorry for anything he'd done to his own son. Wolf scowled at the thought that he'd rescued that man. He hated him more than when he lived with him. Because of Ceal, James was dead. His anger rose and he chugged the rest of the bottle before throwing it angrily at the wall. "Fuck you Dad! Fuck you!" He shouted, anguish and anger the only emotions in his voice. He grabbed another bottle and pulled the cork out, tossing it across the room. He began chugging the whiskey, the strong liquor burning his throat in a way that he enjoyed. He wanted to drink until he had no memory, to forget everything that had happened in his miserable thirty-six years of life. Everything happy was fleeting, never to last and be enjoyed. Others got wealthy and had perfect jobs and perfect families and a perfect house.
What did people like him get? Always broke, no love, a crappy place to live and no hope for a better future. People like him had nothing and would die with nothing.
He was finally happy when he found Fox, but now... Even he was gone. Fox was all he had left, the only thing that brought him joy. Without him, he had no reason to continue living. He glanced at his blaster and not for the first time in his life contemplated shooting his brains across the room. It would make the pain stop. But something held him back. What would happen to Fox when he found out? The sensitive captain would undoubtedly blame himself. Wolf couldn't let that happen to Fox. So, he looked away from the blaster and simply continued drinking, reliving yet another memory of his time with James. The time that James first came to his apartment, albeit unannounced and awkward. After all, first admissions of love are never easy.

Word Count: 1,903
Song: Lovesong by The Cure

𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙗𝙞𝙙𝙙𝙚𝙣 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚 : 𝘼 𝙎𝙩𝙖𝙧 𝙁𝙤𝙭 𝙎𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙮 Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora