𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙏𝙬𝙤: 𝙊𝙡𝙙 𝙎𝙚𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙩𝙨

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Wolf woke up first, Fox was now facing him , nuzzled against his chest with one arm tucked between them and the other wrapped around Wolf's side, their legs and tails entwined. He smiled and kissed the top of Fox's head , giving his fur a sniff. He somehow always smelled so good, like the fresh air after a summer storm. He watched the slow rise and fall of Fox's chest, so peaceful and calm. He wondered what type of home his mate had, probably extremely nice. It would explain why Fox didn't ever talk about it.
He didn't want to wake Fox up, it meant he'd leave, but he didn't want anyone to question where Fox was either. He sighed. "Hey Pup, wake up." He kissed his cheek. "It's morning."
Fox opened an eye and groaned. "I don't want to leave you... but that's inevitable." He sighed dejectedly. "Can we just snuggle for awhile?"
"Snuggle? Sure, I like that. You're so soft ... and warm." He smirked.
"Heh, keep that up and I'll get turned-on again." Fox said seductively. "But I can't, I really need to be leaving soon."
"Where are ya goin'?" Wolf nuzzled his neck.
"To my father's memorial." He said sadly.
"Where is it? I would like to pay my respects someday. He must have been a great father to have raised someone as fantastic as you."
Fox thought about not telling him, but decided that it was only right. "It's on Papetoon."
Wolf froze. "How long ago did he crash there?" He felt a sense of dread over-wash him.
Fox sighed sadly "Fifteen years.... he didn't crash from being drunk... someone had shot him down... and the crash isn't what killed him...."
Wolf laid his ears back, feeling like he would throw up. "Someone killed him?"
Fox's ears pinned back sadly. " Yes..... and .... and...." He said rubbing his arm slowly, unable to get the words out.
Wolf continued the sentence. "..... and shot him point blank while he tried to free himself from the cockpit...."
Fox's ears perked forward , one up, the other down. "Yeah?....How...How did you know that?" He asked, getting a sinking feeling in his gut.
Wolf said nothing for a few minutes. "I..... I was in a battle with someone I didn't know..... I was trying to get on this cargo ship to get parts I needed for my ship..... I was shot at , my ship was damaged and I had lost my chance at getting parts.... The one who attacked me told me over coms he was going to track me down and kill me.... I didn't recognize the voice because the flyer was using a modulation device.... I couldn't let someone track me and my crew.... I ..... followed the trajectory of the ship after I shot it down and I got out of my own...... I ..... I saw the flyer was alive and trying to call for back up ...... Fox I..... I'm so sorry..... I had no idea who he was.... He.... He was in a full flight suit and his helmet was mirrored over the visor..... there was no badge with his identity..... I .... gods... I killed him.... I killed James...."
Fox's ears now laid flat , his eyes wide in shock and mouth agape trying to form words. "W-why?...Why didn't you help him!? I-I mean yes he was threatening you b-but you could've contacted someone!! What about Peppy?! He would have helped!!" He said in anger, betrayal and sadness.
"I didn't know who he was Fox! How could have I known?! How could I have contacted Peppy when I didn't even know who I was fighting?!! Gods Fox how do you think I feel now knowing that I took the most important person from ya?!"
Fox sobbed, angry lines of tears leaving tracks down his cheeks. "I-I don't know how you feel! G-Gods how should I feel knowing my father is dead because of someone I love!?!" He yelled.
Wolf looked away from him, tears filling his own eyes. "I'm a monster!! I betrayed ya!! I... I don't deserve ya because I'm no good for ya.... I'm scum and always have been and probably always will be...."
Fox sobbed and nuzzled closer to his mate. " I....I don't know what to do! ....I love you Wolf! B-but...I loved my father too! I-I already lost one person I can't loose you Wolf, i can't " he said.
"I love you too Fox... I just.... I wish I could go back and change what I did.... I don't even know how to fix this .... how to ..... I'm a horrible person..." He looked away from him again.
Fox huffed and wiped his tears hugging his boyfriend close. "It...it dosen't matter now...it was so long ago...and I can't just drop you like that...but I wished I had known sooner..." He said hugging him close.
Wolf hugged him tightly. "I love ya Fox..... I really don't deserve someone as forgiving as ya are." He wrapped his tail around them. His memories were filled with James. He became lost in his grief and no longer even knew what he was saying. "I killed my lover!! I killed my James and I can never bring him back!! For years I wondered where he was!! Why he never called me!! I'll never be in his arms again!!" He screamed in agony. "James I'm sorry!!! My James shades!!!" He sobbed into Fox's shoulder.
Fox's mouth fell open. "What the fuck do you mean by lover?!! You were in a relationship with my Dad?!! What the fuck is wrong with you?!! Why did you never tell me?!!!" He pushed Wolf away and got up , grabbed his clothes and snarled at Wolf. "I don't give a fuck why you did it!!! Don't ever contact me again you disgusting piece of shit!!" He stormed out of the apartment and ran as fast as he could to the platform, wanting nothing more than to get the fastest train home. He hoped into the nearest car and sat in one of the old dirty seats and sobbed into his hands.
How could Wolf have never told him? Why would he want a relationship with the son of his lover? What did that mean about his father? If they were in a relationship, it must have been while James was married to Vixy. His father cheated on his Mom with Wolf. What type of man was his father to do such a thing? What kind of man was Wolf to be in a relationship with someone so much older than himself? But then, what kind of man did that make Fox? He was in a relationship with Wolf despite their age difference. He didn't know what to think anymore. Everything he knew was now twisted and different. He wished his Mom were still alive so he had someone to talk to. Or maybe it was best that she didn't know about what James was really doing when he would leave on missions. It would have devastated her to know the truth. He wanted to talk to someone, but since no one knew about him and Wolf, he was alone to figure out what happened. He still felt guilty about leaving Wolf like that, but he hated him too. What was Wolf doing now? Fox sighed and looked out the window at the sunrise. How could things go so wrong in just a few minutes. He shouldn't have told Wolf where the memorial was, but now it was too late to fix things.

Wolf sat in shock, tears staining his fur. He lost his boyfriend, Fox was never coming back. With a shaking hand, he picked up a bottle of whiskey and popped the top, threw it to the floor and began guzzling the alcohol. He then got his lighter and a pack of cigarettes and took three out, lit them and put the filtered ends in his mouth, inhaling deeply. He then got up and found his stash of vodka and took the tops off of two bottles, holding one bottle of vodka, and the bottle of whiskey in one hand and drank from them simultaneously. He didn't care if he died of alcohol poisoning, he killed his lover and now lost his boyfriend. He fucked up more than he could have ever imagined. He remembered his last time with James, just five months before that fateful encounter.

Word Count: 1,431
Song: Be Like That by Kane Brown, Swae Lee and DJ Khalid

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