Rose's Temper

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Luisa gets very frustrated with Rose after Rose loses her temper.

Luisa rolled over to bury her face in the pillow. She wasn't ready to wake up yet. She didn't even know what had woken her up but she wanted to stay asleep a little longer. After the amount of sex her and Rose had had last night, reading each others' lists had made them both a little possessive (not that either of them had been complaining), she was exhausted. She needed her sleep. Then, she heard the most amazing voice softly whisper: "Sorry, Lu. It won't happen again. Go back to sleep."

"What won't happen again?" Luisa quietly grumbled at her lover, still close to falling back into the bliss of dreaming about her and Rose getting their happily ever after (not that she would tell the former redhead that that's what she was dreaming about as she still hadn't given Rose an answer yet).

"The knocking on the door," Rose replied, slightly confused.

"Oh...So that's what woke me up." The former redhead chuckled.

"Go back to sleep, Lu." Luisa rolled onto her back, still not opening her eyes, and smiled.

"Get back into bed then, Ro." Rose felt a jolt of arousal flow fast down her body at her lover's use of 'Ro'. She so badly wanted to stay...But there was a reason Luke had knocked on the door, waking Luisa up in the process, when he had been instructed not to interrupt her if, and when, that door was closed. She had given him, and everyone else on the sub, this instruction because the last time he had interrupted her, neither she nor Luisa had been happy about it. At that point, she had Luisa on the brink of cumming and they had been forced to stop because of his interruption.

Luke hadn't been happy about it either when he had to deal with Rose's anger and frustration when she had finally gotten dressed enough to open the door to him. (Usually, Luisa would've calmed her down at this point, but she had been too frustrated at him for depriving her of release when she had been so close, that she had just allowed Rose to let him have it. If she had thought that he was in danger of Rose hurting him, she would've stopped her lover...But, as Rose had told her that she was done with that, she knew that Rose wouldn't've hurt him.)

There were only five reasons why Rose had decided she would stop her illegal activities. These reasons were:

She didn't want to disappoint Luisa.She owed it to Luisa after killing her father and kidnapping her nephew.She wanted to try her hardest to be a person who deserved to be with Luisa (the person she had always thought about being whenever she had seen Luisa and Allison together).She knew that, if she did this, Luisa was more likely to say yes to being with her.Also, Rose was just not as into it anymore. It just didn't give her that sense of...Fulfilment anymore. There was only one thing that made her feel complete anymore. One person...And that person was asking her to get back in bed with her...And Rose knew exactly why. Luisa hadn't been able to sleep on the sub unless Rose was by her side and, even though she knew she shouldn't take pleasure in this, Rose couldn't help herself because...When she'd asked Luisa why this was, the brunette had responded with: 'You make me feel safe, Ro. I know I'm not supposed to feel that way with you, after everything you've done, but I can't help it. You're the only person who has ever been able to make me feel safe.'

So...Basically...The reasons why Rose had decided to stop all illegal activity could be summed up into only one reason: LUISA. It always was summed up to Luisa because Rose loved her incandescently. She had always been, is, and will always be: Rose's only exception. She had promised herself that she wouldn't have a relationship with anyone unless it was for work, but Luisa had been the exception. She had promised herself that she'd never fall in love, but Luisa was the exception. She had promised herself that she wouldn't risk her plan (or getting caught) for anything or anyone, but Luisa, again, had been the exception. She promised herself that she wouldn't let anyone EVER get close to her but, of course, Luisa was the exception. LUISA HAD ALWAYS BEEN, IS, AND WOULD ALWAYS BE: ROSE'S ONLY EXCEPTION.

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