Luisa's Response - Part 2

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Continued from the previous chapter...

"I'll say a phrase, let's say," the screen cuts to them both. "'You're an alcoholic,' and then you'll repeat it, but with an 'I'. 'I'm an alcoholic.'" The screen cuts to an exited-looking Luisa.

"I'm an alcoholic." The screen cuts to a serious-looking Rogelio.

"You're an alcoholic." The screen cuts to a more sad-looking Luisa.

"I'm an alcoholic." The screen cuts to the sofa with the laptop on it and it zooms out to fit Rogelio and Luisa on the screen. "I don't like this."

"You don't like this."

"I'm not good at this."

"You're not good at this."

"I'm not good at this."

"You're not good at this."

"I'm not good..."

"That's it. Keep going." The screen cuts to Luisa.

"I'm not good. I'm a terrible sister and that's why I want to drink so that I don't feel this." The screen cuts to Rogelio.

"Why are you terrible?" The screen cuts to Luisa.

"Because all I do is cause Rafael pain." Luisa starts crying. "And I think my ex-lover killed his mother," Luisa whispers. The screen cuts to Rogelio.

"I've been there." The screen cuts to Luisa.

"In real life." The screen cuts to Rogelio.

"My telenovela was ripped from the headlines. Go on."

"I just feel so bad, you know?" The screen cuts to Luisa. "My brother doesn't deserve this. No matter how many times I've failed him, he's always been there for me." The screen cuts to Rogelio. "And then now that he has no family," The screen cuts to Luisa. "I still can't pull it together and be there for him." The screen cuts to Rogelio.

"Rafael does have a family... The Villanueva family." The screen cuts to Luisa. "As for you..." The screen cuts to Rogelio. "Ricardo said it best when he was about to join the mile-high club with Pilar during heavy turbulence." The screen briefly cuts to Luisa before cutting back to Rogelio. "'Put on your own oxygen mask before assisting others.'" The screen cuts to a smiling Luisa.

The Next Day...

Luisa arrives at Lyndale Rehabilitation Centre. The receptionist, Mayko, greets her.

"Hi... Name?"

"Luisa Alver."

"She's expecting you in room 207." Luisa goes to room 207. She opens the door and sees Rose.


"Ro!" Luisa shuts the door and runs towards Rose. She throws one arm around Rose's waist and the other around Rose's neck. She pulls Rose in for a passionate kiss. Rose kisses back with much enthusiasm and they both moan. Luisa eventually, and very reluctantly, pulls away from the kiss. "I missed you, baby." Rose chuckles at Luisa's sentiment.

"We've been apart for almost two days, Lu. It wasn't that long." Rose pulls Luisa onto the bed and snuggles close to her. Luisa pouts at Rose.

"Are you saying that... You didn't miss me, Ro?" Luisa looks away when Rose chuckles.

"Of course not, baby... Whether it's a month or a minute, I always miss you when you're not around." Luisa pulls Rose into another kiss before smiling at her.

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