Luisa's 'Plan'

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Luisa puts her 'Plan' in motion.

"Stop what, Lu?" Rose looked at her lover, questioningly. She could honestly say, which isn't something she does often, that she had never been more confused in her life.

"Putting yourself down like that. You're perfect and I hate it when you do that, Ro. And...I don't hate you, Ro. I honestly believe. No. I know I should hate you...But I can't...No matter how hard I try, I can't... I don't think I could ever hate you...And...I don't think I want to." Rose smiled at Luisa. "What I want..." Luisa's voice was now just very quiet and husky. "Is you." Luisa pushed Rose down and straddled her. Rose may have been very confused, and she needed to talk to Luisa to clear up her confusion, but she was not complaining.

"Lu..." Rose tried to sound threatening but Luisa's smirk as she took her T-shirt off was undermining Rose and showing her exactly who was in charge (like always, it was Luisa). "I need you to..." Rose trailed off as Luisa took off her bra. She could never concentrate when Luisa took her bra off, a fact that Luisa still (even though Rose had told Luisa she hated it when Luisa did this) constantly exploited for her own, personal gain.

"Yes?" Luisa raised an eyebrow at Rose as she smirked, clearly content with the reaction she received.

"Oh-Er..." Luisa giggled at her flustered lover. Rose barely ever got like this, so when she did, Luisa loved it. "I need you to answer a few questions for me," Rose said, with newfound confidence.

"Why would I do that?" Luisa decided to elaborate when she saw the confused expression on her lover's face. "Answer your questions."

"Because I answered yours when you asked me," Luisa smirked at Rose as an idea hit her and Rose, wary of Luisa's expression, sat up straight.

"Not good enough." Luisa pushed Rose back down onto their bed.

"I guess you have a particular reason in mind." Luisa's smirk grew even smugger than before.

"I do actually." Rose raised her eyebrows at Luisa.


"For every question I answer, you take off one piece of clothing. Either mine or yours, I don't mind." Rose mimicked Luisa's smirk. They had played this game before but they had both been answering questions and taking their clothes off. It was Luisa's way of 'getting to know each other better'.

"I like that idea," Rose said and Luisa grinned at Rose.

"I thought you might...But, Ro...As soon as we're both naked, you don't get any more questions. So use them wisely." Rose nodded at her lover.


"So...What's your first question?"

"Why did Jason, Luke and Brian do what you asked them to?"

"Straight to the point. I respect that..." Luisa paused for a moment as she tried to find a way to continue. "They work for me." Rose gawked at Luisa. Her answer had only confused her more.

"Since when?" Luisa rolled her eyes at Rose.

"I think you're forgetting the rules of our game here, Ro." Rose's eyes darkened a little. She took off her T-shirt.

"Since when?" She repeated.

"During the last time I went to rehab, I started looking for any connections I could find to you." Rose took off her bra and Luisa's eyes immediately moved down to Rose's boobs.

"Why did Luke, Jason and Brian start working for you? I want why they did and why you let them, Lu." Luisa smirked and raised her gaze to look straight into Rose's eyes.

Rose's ListOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora