Luisa's Response

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Luisa gives Rose her answer and Rose has an idea that Luisa's not 100% happy about.


***I apologise for the slight jabs at how they ended Roisa on JTV... It made me really angry at them thinking that Luisa would've reacted that way (it also really upset me that they ended it the way they did but if I get started on that then it'll just turn into a really long rant about how much I hated it)

"Okay," Luisa whispered.

"Okay?" I asked.

"Let's... Let's do that then. I... I can't lose my family but... I... I can't say goodbye to you either... I REFUSE to lose you AGAIN, Ro." Luisa started to get upset. "It was hard enough the last few times. I... I can't go through that again. You saw how much of a mess I was when I thought I lost you for good. I... I can't imagine EVER losing you and being okay with it."*** Luisa started to cry.

"Baby... Baby, I'm sorry I put you through that... You know I didn't mean to hurt you..."

"I know..."

"I love you, Lu. I would never hurt you... Not intentionally at least... I know I've hurt you in the past but I didn't mean to."

"Ro... Take me back to our room, please." I smiled at her. My perfect girl.

"Of course, Lu. Anything for my girl." I take Luisa back to our room. As soon as we get through the door Luisa closes it and drags me towards the bed.

"Lay down, Ro."

"Okay." I lay down on the bed and Luisa snuggles close to me.

"Ro... I... I've been thinking and... I was hoping that we could talk a little about what we're going to do now. I mean I know that we're... Dating... Now... But I... What exactly are we going to do to convince everyone that you're not... You." I could tell that Luisa was hesitant to say what she's saying as she lowered her gaze so that she wasn't looking me in the eye.

"Lu..." I tried to reassure her that it's okay and I take her hand in mine and smile at her. Luisa still won't meet my gaze though. So I put my free hand under her chin and raze her head so she has no choice but to look at me. "Luisa. I know what you're trying to say... And you're right... We should talk." She smiled at me.

"Thanks, Ro."

"So, I'm thinking that I drop you off at Port Kembla and you fly home. Then, you tell Rafael and the cops everything and tell them that we broke up. Which, to be VERY clear, we haven't. Then, you find a reason to leave Miami for example tell them that you're going to your Ashram to get over me or something like that. We can meet up on your way back to Miami and you introduce me to your brother (while I'm wearing a different face) as your new girlfriend."

"That's a great plan, Ro... But..."

"But what, Lu?"

"I... Why would Rafael not just assume that you're you? How are we supposed to convince him otherwise?" God, my girl is so smart. Even I hadn't thought of that... Yet.

"You're right..." I thought about that for a couple of minutes before I had an idea. "Okay... How about we don't go the way I did before and instead of making someone who doesn't exist-"

"Like you did with Susanna."

"And we make my new face look like someone who does already exist. We get them to help us, they can pass a load of medical tests to prove to your brother that it's not just me in a mask-"

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