Rose's Obsession

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Luisa's reaction to what's behind the door and the arrival of Rafael's e-mail.

"What the... Rose... What... The fuck... Is this?" Luisa gestured at the photos of her that were entirely covering one of the walls in the room.

"It's not what you think, I swear," Rose rushed to get her words out before Luisa could jump to conclusions.

"Then what is it... Cause it looks like you've been stalking me."

"No. I... I just... I was concerned about you after Elena took you... I just didn't want you to get hurt again... Not because of me. I wanted to protect you from her, so I had you followed." Rose let out a quiet sigh. "I love you, Luisa... I... I just wanted to make sure you were safe, baby."

"Bullshit. Some of these photos are from before she took me." Luisa pointed at a photo of her and Juicy Jordan from the day Jordan broke up with her. "How does that explain this." Rose bit her lip.

"Okay, so I... Might've gotten curious when I heard you had a girlfriend. I got a little jealous and I wanted to find out a little more about your relationship with her. But what I said was entirely true," Rose insisted. "I love you, Lu. I just... I just wanted to make sure you were happy... All I've ever wanted was your happiness..." Rose looked away from Luisa and sighed. "That's not true. I wanted to be the cause of that happiness... The cause of your happiness." Rose smiled at Luisa. "Come on, baby. You know I love you. You always knew even when I insisted that I didn't. I'm all yours now; you don't have to share me with anyone."

"Because you killed-"

"Don't start this again, Lu. We both know what I did," Rose sighed. "I know this may seem a little bit creepy but I-"

"Well at least you now have some pictures of me," Luisa interrupted Rose. "You always complained that you hardly had any photos of me." Luisa grinned at Rose.

"Maybe we could-" Rose cut herself off. There was no way that, after seeing Rose's 'Luisa shrine' (as her photographer put it), Luisa would want to do what she was thinking about.


"Doesn't matter." Rose turned around and faced the door. "We should-"

"What did you want to ask, Ro?" Luisa purred at Rose as she slowly trailed her hand up Rose's arm. Rose shivered a little and turned back to face Luisa.

"I was hoping we could take some pictures of us... Together. I... I don't actually have any." Rose lowered her head. "I... I totally understand if you don't want to. I get it. It was stupid. I'll just-" Rose rambled quickly and turned to face the door again.

"Ro. Come here," Luisa softly whispered. Rose turned around and did as Luisa asked. She would do anything for Luisa, even if Luisa didn't believe her. She would even die for Luisa if necessary.

"What is it, Lu?"

"You want pics, I'll give you pics." Luisa grinned at Rose. "However..." Luisa paused for a few seconds before Rose got impatient.

"However...?" Rose asked.

"However, I can't promise you that they will all be decent..." Luisa grinned, deviously. "In fact... Some may be entirely indecent." Rose looked at Luisa with the promise of pleasure in the smirk she gave her.

"Whatever you want, baby." Luisa's eyes darkened as Rose purred at her.

"Fuck..." Luisa whispered. "Good to see you're sticking to your promise, Ro." Luisa purred. Rose's eyes darkened. "How about we go back to our room and have some fun?" Luisa smirked but her smirk faded a little as Rose's smirk grew. She knew the former redhead was planning something and she was curious as to find out what.

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