12 Grimmauld place

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We were home and in clean, dry, nice clothes. I was supposed to be in bed but I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about Tom. How he disagreed with the Ministry and took my side...it's nice to hear that...especially for not hearing it in so long. I thought of another thing...Remus. How he stopped talking about how I wanted Potions to be my favorite class. I don't know what made him stop but I'd ought to know.


I shot up. I overheard Tonks and Remus.

Tonks: Remus, calm down.
Remus: It's about Snape! Potions! She wants that to be her favorite class but it won't happen!

I got up and walked to my door. I walked to the stairs and looked down.

Tonks: Why is that?
Remus: He'll know by her walk, tone, and...her eyes...she is nearly a spitting image of Sirius but a female!
Tonks: Snape can't make her life awful because You, James, Sirius, And Peter made it bad.
Remus: What says he won't?

There was a long pause.

Tonks: I just know it. He's not the type of guy to take it out on their child...that isn't right...the child never did anything so why would he?
Remus: Well...I-I....He Just never liked us so what makes you think he'll like Y/n?
Tonks: Because if he doesn't then we'll know...plus...once Sirius knows, he'll be back and after him...that's what Sirius does.

I was confused. I thought my father didn't do that.

Remus: Well I'm pretty sure that Snape will do something because he's head of Slytherin and she probably will be in Gryffindor, since he hated them so much.
Tonks: What if she isn't? Hufflepuff? Ravenclaw? Even Slytherin. If she's in Slytherin, he'll treat her like a princess. If she's in Ravenclaw he'll treat her decant...if she's in Hufflepuff then he'll treat her fine...Gryffindor...he'll treat her like Sirius and your gang treated him.

I was nervous...why me?! I never did anything! But Harry...Harry Potter must get the same treatment then! I need to meet him and talk to him about it. I saw the door open to the kitchen and I ducked. I sat down, crossed legs and watched. Remus was walking out with Tonks behind her.

Tonks: Where are you going?
Remus: Out. To see if I can do it.
Y/n: *whispers* do it?
Tonks: Do it? What? Why?!
Remus: Because I need to get her the best reputation at Hogwarts with Snape.
Tonks: Remus.

I saw her grab his arm.

Tonks: Thats for her to find out...that's for her to make the bond with him if she can.
Remus: I'll try to help her a bit.

He left and she sighed.

Y/n: Snape? Reputation?

She looked up at the stairs.

Tonks: Shouldn't you be asleep? In your room?
Y/n: Why should I?
Tonks: *laughs* you should get sleep until you go to platform 9 and 3/4 tomorrow.
Y/n: I feel like we aren't in a rush...especially because of Snape. Is that right?

She smiled.

Tonks: You're just like your father.

I smiled.

Tonks: Come on.

I smiled and ran downstairs. We walked into the kitchen and sat down. She sat down across me and smiled.

Tonks: Your Father was a smart boy...he was sassy sometimes! Just like you.
Y/n: Is that a bad thing?
Tonks: No! Your father also had the passion of finding...weaknesses? He never let go of something or someone for a while...that's the reason why he tried to kill Peter when Peter sold out Lily and James...he knew that Peter's weaknesses were Power...if he didn't have it then he was nothing more than a rat. So he tried to take the opportunity to kill him when he didn't have power...but little did he know he wasn't as successful...Peter escaped and left for the Dark Lord once again.
Y/n: So my father never did anything wrong?
Tonks: Of course not! He tried to do the best for him, James, Lily, Remus, and the Ministry....get rid of the powerful dark lords servant.
Y/n: Oh...well why couldn't they see that?
Tonks: They didn't want to...they took what their mind said, than their gut. Cornelius said he knew that Sirius didn't do it for bad but couldn't say that to the public with no proof...besides telling him he just knew it.
Y/n: Thats rubbish!
Tonks: Yeah...unfortunately with you as his daughter, wasn't great defense because you would want to believe your own father than real proof.
Y/n: My father would lose anyways!
Tonks: That was the plan..they wanted him to. It's hard to think about but it's true.


Y/n: They wanted him locked away?!
Tonks: Seems so.

I sighed.

Tonks: You should get rest. Besides you have a very big day tomorrow.

I nodded and got up.

Tonks: Make sure to go to sleep this time!

I laughed.

Y/n: Yes Tonks.

I walked out of the kitchen and back upstairs. I stopped at the railing on the very top.

Y/n: You know, if I do get sorted into Gryffindor, could I still try to earn Snape's trust?
Tonks: *sighs* you hear everything.

I smiled and ran in my room. I closed the door and walked to my bed but stopped. I looked out the window and looked over London. It was so pretty...I saw the city lights reflecting off the thin glass pane and back onto the street. It flashed in my room some, but just enough to make a spotlight on the floor.

Y/n: Goodnight London...Goodnight Father...and soon enough, hello Hogwarts.

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