
22 1 0

I was walking down the hall to my first class. My first class was Defense Against the Dark Arts (DADA). I held my book bag with all my books in them and my wand.

???: Y/n!

I turned around and saw Tom. I rolled my eyes and looked forward.

Y/n: What Tom?
Tom. I wanted to apologize.
Y/n: For What?
Tom: Just being mean. I knew that wasn't the way to treat you so I thought I might apologize.
Y/n: Thanks.

I kept walking and he trailed behind me.

Tom: Aren't you going to apologize back?
Y/n: Why?
Tom: For also...being mean.
Y/n: When was I ever mean?!

I stopped and turned to him. I realized I was being mean right now.

Y/n: Sorry...
Tom: Thank you.

He walked past me and I gasped.

Y/n: Uhm Tom.

I walked with him.

Tom: So now you're attached to me?
Y/n: What-n-no. I just need to know something.
Tom: What?
Y/n: Why did you shove me against the wall like that and stare at my lips?
Tom: You assume I stare at your lips?

I huffed.

Y/n: I saw you stare at them Tom.
Tom: Where is the proof?
Y/n: I can't prove you that.
Tom: Well then I wasn't-
Y/n: You did! It's like me saying you're from an orphanage! I have no proof but I know.

He sighed.

Tom: I was.

I nodded.

Y/n: Knew it.
Tom: I shoved you against the wall like that so I'd look more dominant.

I blushed. The sound of him wanting to be dominant just is...cute.

Y/n: Why?
Tom: Because. I feel more dominant than you.
Y/n: Uh-is that so?

We stopped in the middle of the hallway and looked at each other.

Y/n: More dominant? Really?
Tom: Yes.

I pushed him against a wall.

Y/n: I swear, I would-

He held my face.

Tom: If you were more dominant, you would be the more protective one.

I blushed and stepped back.

Tom: Thats What I thought. You would've protected yourself last night..but who did? Me.

I nodded.

Y/n: You have a point.

I stared walking away.

???: Hey Black!

I looked down another hall and saw Malfoy.
Y/n: On no...

He came and got in my face.

Draco: Where do you think you're going?
Y/n: To class Malfoy.
Draco: Is that so?

He grabbed my collar and I tried to shove him off.

Tom: Malfoy!

He looked at Tom and Tom punched him. Draco fell to the ground and his friends tried going After him.

Y/n: Stop!

Tom shoved them away and held my hand. He pulled me down the hall with him and around a corner, into an empty closet. We hid in there together and he sighed. Crabbe And Goyle ran past the closet.

Crabbe: Down here!

Tom laughed a bit.

Y/n: What's so funny?

Tom: I proved to you I'm more dominant.

I laughed a bit as well.

Y/n: Okay I see your point.

He stared at me with only a little light shining on his eyes and lips. It went quiet for a moment...

Y/n: T-Tom...
Tom: I'm sorry...

I looked down and he lifted my head and got close. I knew what he wanted to do, but I couldn't let him. He pushed me against the wall.

Tom: *whispers* I'm just very protective of you...

I blushed so much I swear you can see it in the dark. He leaned to my ear and whispered something.

Tom: *whispers* I cant control myself...

Our bodies touched and I blushed even more.

Y/n: Tom, we should k-

He covered my mouth.

Draco: I swore they ran past this corner!
Crabbe: They possibly cant be that fast.
Goyle: Sorry Malfoy!

Tom looked at the door then me.

Tom: *whispers* can't say anything.

I nodded and he let go.

Y/n: *whispers* now, to class.

He nodded and we stumbled out of the closet. We started walking towards class and went inside. Kids came in after us and we sat down.

Tom: Please let this be a normal day...

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