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The train stopped and I woke up. I never realized I was asleep. I sat up and noticed a robe covering me. I looked to Tom and saw him asleep...but without a robe on. He must've have given me his as a blanket. I smiled and took it off I walked to him and shook him.

Tom: Hm?
Y/n: We're here...

He sat up and I handed him his robe.

Y/n: Better be getting off now.
Tom: Alright...I'll be off in a second.

I nodded and walked out. I heard him groan and then sighed. I waited outside of the compartment for him. I then saw him walk out and look at me.

Tom: You're waiting for me?
Y/n: Yeah. Why not?
Tom: Wouldn't expect it.

We walked off the train and saw a giant come over.

???: Firs' yers! Firs' yers follow meh!

He had abundant amount of hair, large hands, large feet, just large in general. We followed him to a lake and in some boats.

???: Three at eh time!

I got in a boat with Tom behind me. Another student got in with us. I looked and saw a girl with big brown wavy hair, big front teeth, and big cheeks.

Tom: Wonder What the sorting hat'll choose.
Y/n: Hope I get Gryffindor along with my father.
Tom: I'm betting Slytherin.

Our boat started going. The water rocked against the boat and smacked the water. The girl held a lantern and sighed.

???: Only if those boys weren't so dimwitted...

We then went around a corner and there...there was home...the place we'd be learning all the magic, making friends, having the best time of our lives...Hogwarts...
Once we were walking up some steps in the castle, we came to a point and saw an old elegant woman. Remus and Tonks told me all about Hogwarts when I got my letter...she was Minerva McGonagall!

McGonagall: Welcome to Hogwarts! Now, before you take your seats, you must be sorted into your houses...there are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, And Slytherin. Your houses will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you points! Any rule breaking will lose you points...any questions?

No one spoke.

McGonagall: Good, I will let them know you're here.

She walked into a large room and closed the door.

???: Is it true then? What they're saying in the train? Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts.

Whispering spread through the crowd like a virus.

???: This is Crabbe, And this is Goyle...and I'm Malloy.

He stepped in front of a boy.

???: Draco Malfoy.

A boy sniggered. Draco darted his eyes.

Draco: Think my names funny do you? Red hair and a hand me down robe, you must be a Weasley.

He looked back at a boy.

Draco: You'll soon find out that some wizarding families are better than others Potter, don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort...I can help you with that.

He held out his hand. Harry Potter?!

Tom: Thats really Harry Potter...
Y/n: Yeah, I guess so.
Harry: I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself, thanks.

Draco snarled and looked at me.

Draco: Oh-Hello...
Y/n: Hi?
Draco: Mind me asking-

He strolled up to me.

Draco: Would you mind if I can help you with a friendship?
Y/n: No.

He looked surprised.

Draco: N-No?! No?! No. And why is that?
Y/n: I just don't feel like accepting.

He got in my face.

Draco: Want to say that again?!

Tom stepped forward and glared at him. Draco leaned back and looked at him.

Draco: Who are you? Her boyfriend?

My cheeks turned red and I tried to hide it.

Tom: No. But you still shouldn't be messing with people because you want to.
Draco: Wha-
???: Ahem.

He turned around and saw McGonagall. He walked back to his friends in the crowd.

McGonagall: They're Ready for you.

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