"Love" to say goodbye

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This is the last Chap, so please get comfy because this one will be long and super cute! Make sure you already have girlie mode on and be prepared!!
Have a brilliant last read for rn!

I was in the Great Hall, with every student and Professor. I was sitting with all the Gryffindors and sat by Harry. Harry wasn't really paying attention, he kept on chatting how he was going to probably regretting not hiding in the castle all break so he wouldn't leave to go to the Dursley's. He really suggested to use the Invisibility cloak he got early this morning to hide.

Dumbledore: Attention!

We all looked towards the front and went silence.

Dumbledore: As we all have come to know, we all must leave to go back home for Christmas break. I am terribly sorry for those who wish not to return back home but it is for your break and time. I wanted to thank everyone for trying this year, very hard! I also would love to thank the Professor's for guiding the students through a brilliant year! I'd wish to have an announcement for the winning house cup. The winner is Slytherin!

Slytherin cheered while everyone else clapped.

Dumbledore: BUT! I have last minute points to give...to Gryffindor. Harry Potter! Thank you for having the time and courage to protect your friends and help them within your care...Hermione Granger! For being the brains of their trio and to help their friends make correct choices...Ronald Weasley! For taking all of what you had as courage and facing your fears and making it worth it...Neville Longbottom! For trying to make his friends make the right choices and to take a stand. That is 160 points! Gryffindor wins.

The banners now turned red and with Gryffindor on them while everyone cheered and Slytherin booed, groaned, and roared with anger. Gryffindor cheered with happiness that Dumbledore had done it. I looked back at Tom and saw him look a bit upset but smiled at me.

Dumbledore: Have this last feats! And thank you all!


We all had our last meal at Hogwarts before leaving on a 6 month break. We all had our luggage packed and on the train. We all were on the train and waving goodbye to the Professors.

Tom: BYE!!
Y/n: BYE!!

Everyone went into a compartment and sat. I sat in one with Tom.

Tom: This year was very fun...well it is break but for a long time!
Y/n: Yeah..I don't really want to leave at all.
Tom: I don't either. I wish to stay!
Y/n: I wish as well...I wouldn't want to go back to sitting in the Black house all day...I want to learn Magic.
Tom: I would love to spend more time here and with you but I guess not... I dot want to go back to that old jagged, worthless, orphanage where I am not loved...I want to be at Home a place I have friends and love, knowing I can be here and be safe, knowing I can make all the bad days go away...all this awful thoughts go away...

I looked at him.

Y/n: Tom?
Tom: Yeah?
Y/n: Would you mind spending Christmas over at my house?
Tom: R-Really?
Y/n: Yeah! I mean I would love to spend the holidays with you and for you. It to be at the Orphanage...
Tom: That'd be Brilliant! I'd love to...

I smiled.

Tom: Y/n...

I looked at him. The train was now going and moving.

Tom: You're amazing and I love you for that...
Y/n: Aww...thank you Tommy!

He smiled.

Y/n: I love everything about you...

He looked shocked and blushed.

Tom: I'm very excited for this...
Y/n: I am too...
Tom: Promise me something.
Y/n: Yes?
Tom: Repeat after me.

I nodded.

Tom: I-
Y/n: I-
Tom: Will-
Y/n: Will-
Tom: Be-
Y/n: Be-
Tom: Your-
Y/n: Your-
Tom: One-
Y/n: One-
Tom: And-
Y/n: And-
Tom: Only.
Y/n: Only.

**Narrator: As they both chit chatted for hours till Kings cross came, they have been blushing nonstop and smiling nonstop. Tom couldn't feel so happy and loved by anyone else than Y/n. Y/n felt so happy to be around Y/n and cheerful around Tom because he matched with her...he held her hand and she held his hand, which felt nice. They felt like they could connect easier than normal now. But when kings cross came, they were in tears to know that they'd be leaving each other for months, but see each other in not too long for Christmas.**

Tom: *crying* I'll miss you...
Y/n: *crying* *giggles* I'll see you on Christmas!

We hugged,

Tom: Its not the same though...
Y/n: Yeah but we'll see each other...
Tom: Not every day!

I smiled.

Y/n: Yeah...I'll see you on Christmas Tom.

I saw Remus and Tonks run down and wave at me. I waved and looked back at Tom.

Y/n: Looks like I gotta go...
Tom: Well...I'll send you letters.
Y/n: I will too...

I hugged him one last time and walked away.

Remus: Hello!
Tonks: Now, Who was that?
Y/n: Tom Riddle!
Remus: Boyfriend?
Y/n: What? No.
Tonks: He looks nice.
Y/n: He is! And also he's coming for Christmas. To be with me.
Remus: Oh! No heads up before school goes into break?
Y/n: No.
Tonks: Its normal Remus.
Remus: Well get your luggage in the trunk!

I loaded it while I saw Tom walk out of the station and wave bye to me. I waved goodbye as well once I saw a woman strut up to him, grab his collar, and drag him to a car.


I frowned and felt bad.

Remus: Thats his mum?
Y/n: I don't know...
Tonks: Poor boy.

**Authors Note: Thank you guys for reading this series, if you enjoyed it please tell me, I'd love to know! I will continue this, it will start off in a different Christmas and not this Christmas from the book! Thank you ALL for reading!!!**

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