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**Authors Note: Hey guys! I'm just posting random photos on each chapter so I don't really have specific photos for each Chap, I know I could save a photo on google but I mean that's already a lot of work just for a Chap (me just being lazy). But I hope you ALL are having a good day, night, evening, early morning (1-4 AM) or whatever time you're awake at. Enjoy reading the rest of the book, I will be coming out with "In Between 2". So don't worry about the first! Have a brilliant read.**

We ran out of class once we were realest and to the Great Hall. I walked down and aisle and sat down at Gryffindor by Harry.

Harry: Hello!
Y/n: I can't believe it.
Harry: What?
Y/n: Okay, I was with Tom walking down the hall, talking about who's more dominant-
Harry: Okay.
Y/n: So then after a few minutes of talking, I walk away a bit and Malfoy comes trying to start Tom comes to protect me by punching Malfoy, which he had a firm grip on my collar, and then he held my hand, running down the hall, into a closet together, and Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, ran past the closet!
Harry: Seems like one very brilliant start to your morning.

I nodded and smiled a bit. Harry smiled at me too and I sighed.

Y/n: Would you give me tips? About what a guy likes?

He gave me a look and smiled.

Harry: You Like Riddle?

I blushed.

Y/n: Well there is a fine line between me trying to have Tom NOT hate me, and me liking him. Do we live in a world where I want Tom to NOT hate me or me Liking him? Number one or two?
Harry: I mean we live in the same world but, I think it's number two.
Y/n: Harry.
Harry: You asked. I answered.

I nodded.

Y/n: You have a point.

???: Hey Black!!

I looked behind me and saw Fred and George coming towards us.

Y/n: What now?
Fred: Whatcha talking about?
George: Sounds interesting!
Y/n: Whatever dimwits.
Fred: Anyways, we heard from Lee that Malfoy was punched earlier today! He's in the hospital wing right now but he doesn't remember who. We are trying to know who did, do you guys know?

Me and Harry looked at each other then Fred and George.

Harry and Y/n: Never.
Harry: We wouldn't do such a thing.
Y/n: Of course not. Even if we knew, we would've said sooner.
Fred: Alright...seems a little suspicious but okay.
George: I agree 100%.
Y/n: Could you guys like...give me tips on what a guy might like?
Fred and George: Sure!

They sat down beside me with Fred in the left and George on the right.

Fred and George: What is it? Who is it for?
Y/n: Ugh, forgot how annoying you two are.
Fred: We know you care.
George: Obviously!

I sighed.

Y/n: Well-
Harry: Y/n has a crush!

I looked at him in shock. HOW DARE POTTER DO SO!!

Fred: Oh really?
George: Who?
Y/n: Harry!
Harry: What?
Fred and George: Is that so?

I sighed.

Y/n: Maybe...
Harry: Hey! You said you didn't like him. To my face!
Y/n: Then why did you say I liked him?
George: We are experts!
Fred: We Get all the babes.
Y/n: For sure. Never seen you with one.
Fred: It's because they can't tell which is which.
George: So they never come. Scared they'll kiss the wrong man.

I laughed. Obviously they were saying this to make me feel better.

Y/n: Okay whatever-
Fred: What's his name?
George: We need to help you out. Be your wing men.
Y/n: Wing men?
Fred and George: Yeah!
Y/n: Whatever. His name is Tom Riddle.
Fred: The Riddle?
George: That guy?

I nodded.

Fred: What if we become friends with him, hit on you, make him jealous, push him to reveal things he likes about you, then hit on you more, he gets jealous, and bam! He asks you out. So then he already had you before we do.

I looked at them and rolled my eyes.

George: Its our one of a kind technique!
Y/n: Are you sure about this?
Fred and George: Yeah!
George: We'll invite him to Gryffindor common room! Tonight!

My face fell.

Y/n: Tonight?!
Fred: Well Yeah.
George: If we want to be close friends then we better do so.

I nodded.

Y/n: Like he would even like me in the first place. What if step one doesn't work?
Fred: Well if we can't become friends with him then just come around him here and there.

I rubbed my face.

Y/n: This is all just for a boy.
Fred, George, And Harry: Yep!

In betweenOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora