The "date"

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I was in my room getting ready. I was supposed to be downstairs by now but I didn't know. I had on a crop top with spaghetti straps. I also had on some shorts as well. It was all black and normally my PJS. I sighed and grabbed my book. I walked out of my dorm and downstairs. I didn't see Tom yet or Fred and George. I shrugged and sat on a soft couch by the warm fire. I opened my book to page 131 in my book. It was about this love triangle and who would the female choose. She even moves to another state and gets given this power! She sees her boyfriend on Christmas and he finds out. It's crazy if you ask me. I mean I would want to know the feeling of this "love triangle" and "powers". I mean I am magical so it doesn't matter.


I looked at the hall that lead to the exit and saw Fred and George walk in.

Fred: Hey Y/n!
Y/n: Hey-

I then saw Tom walk in and he waved at me. I blushed and waved.

Tom: Hello.
Y/n: Hello.
Fred: Tom! Come on!

He walked with them to the other side of the room with Fred and George and sat down. I couldn't hear what they were saying but I could see them. I was sorta facing them but not too much. I continued to read my book and not try to worry about Tom. He was really handsome and I got worried. I wanted to make a move or he makes a move.
I was sitting on the couch still reading. I looked up a couple of times before and caught Tom staring at me. They were laughing a lot and messed around a bunch which I thought was cute. I finally could hear them a bit now.

Tom: I couldn't understand him either!
Fred: If Malfoy really wanted Y/n though, he would've had have her-

They laughed more which I was confused. It's boys you know, they can laugh at bread falling!

George: Alright, Fred lets go, I need to tell you something real quick.
Fred: Alright.
Tom: Wait-you're leaving me here?
Fred: For one quick moment.

The got up and left upstairs while Tom sighed and looked around.

Y/n: So you guys friends now?
Tom: Huh?
Y/n: So you guys friends now, is what I said.
Tom: Oh-yeah I guess.
Y/n: Seems like you guys had a fun time.
Tom: Yeah! Actually uhm, I was wondering the whole time why you sat alone?
Y/n: Not all the time do I want to be stuck in a dorm with Hermione, Parvati, and Lavender.
Tom: Yeah I get it.

It was quiet for a moment.

Tom: Do you mind if I join you?

I nodded and he got up. He walked over to me and sat on a chair right by the couch I was sitting on.

Tom: What're you reading?
Y/n: Oh is a book called Falling. It's a great book.
Tom: Sounds like it.

He stared at me and with a bit of a smile.

Tom: Hope you don't mind me asking, have you had a best friend before?

I looked at him and shook my head.

Y/n: I never had a best friend before...
Tom: Maybe I could be your best friend?

I smiled and nodded.

Y/n: I'd love that...

He smiled and got up. He came over and knelt by me, looking at the pages in my book.

Tom: She took a breath and looked at him. Jack...I am a killer...what?! No! You can't be!

I laughed a bit on how he said the dialogue. He looked at me and I looked at him. We stared into each other's eyes and he looked at my lips then my eyes.

Hermione: Did he stare at your lips?
Y/n: Yeah.
Parvati: That means he wanted to kiss you!

*end of flashback*

I stared at Tom more and getting more close than I imagined we'd ever be. He held my face and studied it.

Y/n: Tom I-

He then kissed me and it felt magical. I held his face and kissed him while he got on the couch. I felt him kissed me more aggressively which felt nice.

Fred: Hey!

We stopped kissing and looked at the stairs.

George: Come on Y/n.
Y/n: Sorry.

Tom looked at me.

Tom: *whispers* Once Everyone is asleep, meet me in the empty abandoned classroom..

I nodded and he got up.

Tom: Goodnight guys.

He walked down the hall and left.

Fred: You did it!
George: See! You could trust us.
Y/n: Thanks guys. Couldn't have let us kissed a bit more?
Fred: If we Did then things would've gotten-
George: Sexual.

My eyes widened.

Y/n: Slow your role. Anyways, goodnight I'm going to bed.
Fred and George: Goodnight!

In betweenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora