Sci's not paid enough to deal with this (2)

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Red huffed, wobbling on his way in due to trying to go towards Sci while hopping on one leg. It sounded easier in his head when he had stormed off after the scientist than it actually was. Once he reached the door of the kitchen, he took a moment to compose himself, resting his frontal bone on the wooden frame.

'Deep breaths' he told himself in his thoughts. With a deep breath, he nodded to himself. 'You need to pull yourself together for this shit show.'

Looking at Sci from the edge of his peripheral vision, it was obvious he would need it. The scientist looked exhausted and morning on the Underground wasn't even over if the artificial light system of the Underground was to be believed. He felt a pang of guilt for adding to Sci's stress, but they really needed his help this time. Red had no idea of how to deal with Goth's problem on his own despite his own scientific background and there was no one else who would be able to help them out. Not like Red would trust anybody else with something like this. Besides, it had been Goth to request Sci specifically. It would have to work.

On the other hand, seeing how Sci was slumped on the side of the normal sized (for now) sink, wasn't exactly a great motivator to start talking. Red tried to cough lightly, the more polite way he knew to get Sci's attention without startling the other... much. The softness and gentleness in the expression that greet him was something said edgy Sans didn't believe he deserved.

"What actually brings you here, Red?"

The guilt choked Red at that moment. People usually went to Sci when they needed or wanted something, leaving him alone for the most part if that wasn't the case. He wanted with his whole soul to prove to Sci he was different, that he wasn't just visiting to use him. That Red had come because he genuinely like to spend time with the scientist and nothing more. But this time around that wasn't true.

Was he really all that different from all those other Sanses that went to Sci just to use him? To obtain a solution for all their problems from the exhausted scientist? He would have to make it up to Sci on other occasion.

"This is kinda out of the blue, and for you to come with Goth is... unusual" Sci whispered, blinking slowly, trying to get rid of his sleepiness. He probably had stayed up late working again if Red had to guess. It was strangely endearing. Cute, even, if Red dared to use that kind of word.

"We're not really sure. There was this thing with the kid and his powers..." said Red, fidgeting. He wasn't sure if it was his place to tell Sci about Goth's problem without talking about it with the kid first, they didn't really say anything while on that machine unless you counted Red and Edge arguing about boney pointy parts of their sibling poking them and just all around cursing each other. Then again, Sci definitely looked like he needed a heads up to deal with this cluster fuck of a situation.

He was definitely taking too long to talk, the scrutiny he was under made Red fidget even more. The eery reflection of Sci's glasses that didn't let him see said Sans' expression didn't help. After another minute too long of silence with Red awkwardly trying to keep himself balanced on one leg, Sci ended up passing him a pair of pink slippers.

He looked at the hideous fluffy things repressing a grimace. Probably the slippers Sci would end up using if his timeline progressed to Aftertale as another 'Classic' version. The gesture in itself was nice since Red was still missing a shoe from earlier, but he sure was tired of being reminded of things he pointedly tried to ignore for the time being. And they hadn't even properly started the actual conversation yet.


Nevertheless, Red took the slippers and, maneuvering to take off his other sneaker, he put the terribly comfy slippers on. They were as soft and fluffy as they looked, which kind of only made things worse. Red tried to ignore this sense of inevitability and nihilism filling him slowly but surely.

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