Reaching some conclusions

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No matter how he looked at it, this situation was all kinds of fucked up. At least Sci thought so.

When Red had arrived with his brother and Goth in tow he hadn't known what to expect. It would have been relatively easier to deal with some problems that came from Goth's glitch status and not a combination of those along with his powers, but it was doable. Just get to the source of the problem, find the nature of the link Goth and his tag along shared and separate them.

Pretty straightforward, right? Well, wrong.

First, there was decoding why they were linked in the first place. He had been close to Reaper once because of Geno, so he knew the tale of Chaos Chara as well as any of their associates or the unlucky souls that became her new objectives. There had to be a reason this reaping, if it indeed was a failed one (and Sci had started to have suspicions that it wasn't that simple, either) he had to find the why.

Why Goth and Error. Just, why. It didn't make sense. It's not as if they knew each other beforehand, there was no connection.

His head shot up, shooting a baffled look at the squirming kid in front of him.

That wasn't accurate, was it? There HAD been a connection. Aftertale's Save Screen. If Error hadn't been there when the Multiverse reversion happened, none of this mess they were currently dealing with would have taken place. It was safe to assume Error had some kind of connection with Aftertale if he ended up there, even if Sci could notice his marrow freeze just at the thought.

However improbable, if you disregarded every option that was false, whatever remained would be the truth... However improbable. This was a clear example of that.

Sci was lost in his musing, didn't notice the way Goth squirmed under his focused gaze or the worried looks he kept shooting to the chair next to his. That was okay by Sci, even if he was losing visual input that could prove helpful. He couldn't afford to get distracted now or else his thoughts would derail.

He felt like he was about to reach an important conclusion, he couldn't afford to go on a tangent in his thoughts.

First, what he had gathered so far. There was a link between this Glitch character that may or may not be Error, and Goth. Goth had ties to Aftertale because of Geno, so he ended up in that AU when the Multiverse Reversion happened. Error (he would be working with the assumption he was dealing with Error, even if he still wasn't completely sure) apparently had ties to Aftertale as well because... reasons.

Sci got up from his chair and started walking aimlessly back and forth in his office, it helped him think. Besides, he knew his office enough not to trip even if it wasn't well lit.

Revising what information he had about Error was intriguing, because of a lack of information more than anything else.

Everyone knew of his title, the God of Destruction, which was obvious what it hinted at. As the Destroyer of Worlds, he got rid of AUs by destroying them to smithereens. So much so that Ink would never be able to bring back said AUs without the data on the human souls Error was so fond of taking to the Anti-Void, and even then it would be a daunting and difficult task.

Aside from that and his appearance (so everyone would know to run away at the first hint he was in an AU), there was not much else. Error lived in the Anti-Void, he was a glitch and he liked chocolate.

That last one was completely random, but it was still widely known by everyone, for some reason. Probably the obsession the Destroyer had with the stuff if Red was to be believed.

Back to the main point (he cursed when his foot caught on a stray wire and he almost fell), where did Error even come from? What happened for him to become the God of Destruction? Was he already created like that like Reaper or Ink, or did something happen to change a Sans this way?

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