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When I woke up Zach was on his phone next to me.

"Good morning babe" he said kissing me.

"Morning." I said remembering the phone call from my aunt. It would probably be best if I just forgot about it. She's probably just trying to scare me or something.

"Can we go out to breakfast?" I asked Zach.

"What about your aunt?" He asked.

"She's in North Carolina. I'm just Not gonna worry about that. And she doesn't know where we are going. I'll be fine." I said. Zach looked around then eventually agreed.

I went in my room and brushed my hair out. I left it down because it is straight. Then I got out floral high waisted shorts, with a white crop top. I put on my flip flops and we left. We decided to just walk since it wasn't all that far.

"Are you scared?" Zach asked.

"About what?" I said confused.

"Your aunt. Are you scared that she is gonna find you, torture you?" He said worriedly.

"Not really anymore. Last night it was scary, but why would she do that? She's family. There's nothing to worry about." Just as I said that, I got a text on my phone.

Aunt Kristen: think again.

I decided the best thing to do would be not to answer. I turned around and saw a car swerve into the sidewalk. Good thing I turned around.

"ZACH!" I yelled and he jumped into the grass along with me.

"What the fuck just happened?" He asked.

"I don't know, but run!" I said, seeing the car door open.

We ran and eventually we got to zachs house. We lost the car a while ago, but we kept going different ways just incase.

When we got in the house, we looked all the doors and windows.

"Kenzie, what was that?" He asked.

"I don't know. But it had to do with my aunt." I said quietly.

"What do you mean?" He said.

"Welllllll, after I said there was nothing to worry about, she said think again. So I turned around because how could she hear our conversation, then I saw the car and we jumped into the grass and ran. But I don't know who was in the car." I said. This situation is starting to get worse.

"Maybe we should go to the cops?"

"I don't know if that's a good idea. What if she knows we would go to the cops? What if it makes the situation worse. She wants me Zach. She won't stop until she gets what she wants. But I don't know what got into her." I said.

Then, there was a knock at the door. Zach and I both looked at each other.

"Uh who is it?" Zach asked shaking.

"Open the door Zach." Apryll. It was Apryll.

We opened the door and Apryll looked worried.

"Kenzie, I just saw your aunt at a red light, she told me to watch your back, and that she's coming for you?" Apryll said more like a question.

Zach and I shared looks again, then we told Apryll about everything.

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