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*beep beep beep

My alarm clock screamed at me. I walked downstairs and started cooking breakfast for three.

I made eggs, bacon and toast. I looked at the clock, 7:00.

"Jaxon, Jessica come down and eat breakfast." I said. I didn't get a response from them.

I walked up the steps into Jessica's room and she was sound asleep.

"Hey baby wake up. There's food downstairs." I said shaking her lightly to wake her up.

"Morning mommy" she said and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Good morning jessie" I said as I kissed her cheek as well.

"I'm gonna go wake Jaxon up, but you can go eat. There's a plate on the table for you." I said. She smiled at me.

I walked into jaxons room and he was playing with his toys.

"Hey bud, you hungry?" I asked. He nodded his head.

"There's eggs bacon and toast down there calling your name." I said smiling at him. Right when he heard that he ran down the steps.

I went down and ate with them. We shared some laughs and they told me about daycare.

"How do you guys feel about going to the park?" I asked smiling. Their faces lit up and as soon as they were done eating they ran upstairs and got their shoes on. I brushed their hair and changed them into new clothes.

When I took them to the park we all sat on the swings together.

My life has really changed in the past 3 years.

After I left Zach I went down to North Carolina for a little bit. Then I found out I was pregnant so I moved back down to Texas and found an apartment with 3 bedrooms. One for me, one for my baby, and a playroom. Well when I gave birth, I had twins. I wanted the gender to be a surprise, little did I know that there would be two of them! It was really hard raising two kids alone at first, but I became accustomed to it. I decided not to tell Zach, just because I'm not ready to go back to him yet. I just don't know if that would be the right thing to do.

Jaxon and Jessica are both 2, almost 3. They both have light brown hair with blue eyes, but Jessica has eyes like mine, and JAxon has eyes like Zach.

They both always ask about their dad and I usually end up saying he's not around. I feel so bad for this, but what can I do. Zach probably already moved on. I don't want to ruin his happiness.

As I was overthinking I heard Jaxon crying. I ran over to him and he fell off the slide. Jessica was laughing. I picked jaxon up and examined him. His knee was bleeding and he was hysterically crying.

"Jessie it's not funny, don't laugh at your brother. He's hurt. Why don't you say your sorry." I told her.

"Sorry jaxon I didn't mean to laugh." She said and gave him a hug. I smiled. Their relationship is adorable.

I took them both home and we washed off jaxons knee. He finally stopped crying after I gave him a spongebob bandaid.

"Who wants to go food shopping?" I said. They both started jumping up and down.

I don't know what it is about these two, but they love food shopping.

I brought them out to the car and put them in their car seats. As I started driving Jessica wanted me to put on frozen songs, so I did. They're pretty catchy if I must say.

"Okay can I just say something crazy?" Jessie asked singing along.

"I love crazy." Jaxon said.

"All my life has been a series of doors in my face, then suddenly I bump into you." Jessie sang.

"I was thinking the same thing cause like I've been searching my whole life to find my own place, and maybe it's the party talking, or the chocolate fondue." Jaxon sang to Jessie.

"But with you"

"But with you"

"I found my place"

"I see your face"

"And it's nothing like I've ever known before, love is an open doooooooooor, love is an open dooooor, life can be so much more-"

"With you"

"With you"

"With you"

"With you"

"Love is an open door."

"I mean it's crazy" JAxon sang

"What" Jessie sang

"We finish each other's-"


"That's what I was gonna say!"

"I never met someone who thinks so much like me, jinx jinx again. Our mental synchronization can't have but one explanation."


"And i"


"Just meant to be"

The whole car ride consisted of them wanting to play the song over and over again. I let them though. It was adorable. We finally arrived and they wanted to stay in the car and listen to it again. Although it was cute, I had to get this shopping done.

I picked out the two kid car cart thing and put them in it. They put their hands on the wheels and pretended to steer.

I picked out everything we needed. Meats, vegetables, fruits, snacks, Oreos because they are in love with them, juice and cereal.

As I was on my way to get their favorite cereal, some idiot bumped his cart right into mine.

He turned around and there he was.

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