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As I kept going through the box I found old photo albums, cute little notes from my mom and 3 Manila colored envelopes.

All three of them had my name on them.

I opened the first one to see it filled with money. Yeah money. Filled. To the top. I covered my mouth in astonishment. I can't believe they decided to give me all this money!
I opened up the second one and guess what was in it. More freaking money! What am I supposed to do with all this! Maybe college? Future house? I don't know. Then the last envelope. I opened it up and there was a folder.

I opened up the folder and saw two plane tickets to any destination, along with my birth certificate and all of my other information, like my social security number, insurance information and much more.

I looked at the plane tickets and saw a sticky note stuck to them. It said,

Kenzie, for you and A guest of your choice, to come visit our graves in North Carolina if you're in another state. If not, take these tickets to go wherever you want. Love you.
-mom & dad.

My tears came out faster then expected.

"Why mom? Why dad? Whyd you have to go? I would trade everything I own just to have you guys back." I said out loud.

"And all this money, why? I know dad had a good job and all but money won't make me happy." I said out loud again.

I looked up at the ceiling and prayed that God could bring them back to me on earth. But he can't.0

I guess I was staring at the ceiling for a while, because Zach soon came into the room.

"Kenz are you okay?!" He asked starting to worry.

I nodded my head yea.

He looked at the all of the contents from inside the box.

"Is this from your parents?" He asked.

"Yeah. There were letters, photo albums, money, and my information." I said leaving out the plane tickets.

"I'm sorry that they had to go so soon kenzie." He said.

I looked at him and smiled for once. They don't want me to be upset. I need to stay strong for them. I can do it. I can be strong. I am strong.

"It's okay. They're in a better place." I said wiping away my tears, still smiling.

"Zach can I ask you something?" I asked him.

"Sure anything." He said.

I grabbed the folder and took out the two plane tickets.

"Would you like to go to North Carolina with me?"


Not literally but whatever.

Anyway, I hope you guys liked this chapter! Make sure to vote and leave comments! I like reading your comments!

Also I might be able to update a lot tomorrow (Monday) and Tuesday. I'm supposed to get like 15+ inches of snow between the two days. So I'm praying that we have a snow day tomorrow and we won't have school. But even a delay would be good. If I have a delay I'll update in the morning then again after school.

Okay, thanks for reading this chapter.. Bye!

Question: how far should I go with this book? What chapter would you like it to end around. Like what number chapter?

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