your new job.

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- Reader's point of view-

Lights flickered on while you were asleep causing you to put your hand in front of your eyes.

"Wakey wakey!!" You heard someone call out and you instantly recognised it as your mother.


"I found you a new job! I think you will love it!"

"A job?" You managed to say, rubbing your eyes. When you open them you jump at the sight of a newspaper in your face.

"I know you remember the place from when you were a kid!" She blurted out.

Once your eyes adjusted to the light you read the paper.

Freddy Fazbear pizzeria looking for a waitress and night security guard
Both get paid $120 every five days
If you are interested then call:

"Freddy's pizzeria?" You mumble.

"Yes!! I signed you up for waitress and you start today!!"

You glance over at the clock. "But it's only 5:15 in the morning!"

"And you start at six! So hurry up!"

"OK, ok, calm down woman! I'm coming!"

"Hurry up!" She said while leaving you to get dressed.

You threw on (f/c) short sleeved shirt along with denim shorts. You walked through to the kitchen grabbing a bowl and pouring in milk and your favourite cereal. You turn around to see you mother's head poking around the corner and asking "You done yet?"

"Yeah, I guess." You reply stuffing your mouth with the rest of the cereal.

"Great! Let's go!!" She said, coming around the corner and grabbing you by your arm and dragging you to the door. You stop to put on you (f/c) shoes and then run to the car to catch up with your mother. You open the door and slip in the can, closing the door being you and bucklig your seatbelt. By then you mother already started driving you there. The journey was silent as you thought about you going back to the place you went to as a kid.

Will the remember me?

You hoped so.

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