a/n again sooo sorry and uptade table!

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New book- foster girl! And my update table! Here we go!

Monday - Homework

Tuesday - Stay alive

Wednesday - Homework

Thursday - Ask fnaf (if not - golden freddy x reader)

Friday - Homework (if not - foster girl)

Saturday - draw fnaf (if not - Ask fnaf-if not - homework- if not - golden freddy x reader and foster girl)

Sunday - homework (if not.... DAY OFF! :3 )

OK let me explain the homework situation... I get homework Mon tue wed thur Fri sat sun Mon Tue and wed and then hand in on Thur. Then I get no homework on Fri sat sun then homework again on Mon and then over and over then .... Over...... So some Fri sat sun I don't have homework some I do... So... Yeeeaah... Anyway, see you in the next chapter! :3

Stay alive! Foxy x Reader (fnaf)Where stories live. Discover now