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You arrived home still thinking about what happened. Did he say that I'm moving to night shift?

You arrived home. You opened the car door, hopped out, then closed it and locked the car. You walked down the pathway to your house, gently knocked on the door  since it wasn't unlocked. Your mother came to the door an opened it.

"(Y/n)! What are you doing here so early?" You walked into the house and sat down on the sofa. You told everything to your mother, every little detail.

You saw her face and it was filled with horror

"So I'm gonna be night shift now until they get this sorted."

"Oh." Was all your mother said. You went up to your room to get changed. Oh no! I left my clothes there! You decided you would just get them when you do your night shift. You quickly threw on random clothes then plonked on your bed. You checked your watch. 8:30 at night. You were exhausted after what happened

You opened your eyes. "Wha- did I fall asleep?" You groaned as you got up. You checked your watch. 5:30. Oh no! "I'm gonna be late!!" You ran out the door still in your clothes from before you fell asleep. You Threw on your shoes.

You arrived at the pizzeria. 5:45. OK I have a bit of time left. You walked in the pizzeria to be greeted by the manager and another man.

"Oh hey, (y/n)!"

"Hello Mr Fazbear."

"You will be working with mike here for your night shift.

You held your hand out for a handshake. "(Y/n), (Y/n) (l/n). Pleased to meet you."

"Mike, Mike Schmidt" Your hands meet for a hanshake. You pulled your hand out after the handshake.

"Mike will tell you what to do. Ok I best be leaving. See you tomorrow." He walked out of the pizzeria and drove away.

It was akward being with Mike on your own. But you got a shock when someone grabbed your hand and started running to the office with you. Once you got to to the office all you could say was. "What!?!"

"You'll see why in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Now." Just as he said that he pointed to the screen on the tablet.I looked closely and Bonnie had moved. "Wait, WHAT!! WHERE DID HE GO?" Was all you could shout.

"Yeah. Uh.. I don't know how to tell you…. Uhm.. Uh.. Theanimatronicstrytostuffyouinasuitiftheyseeyou."

"Sorry, what did you say, you spoke to fast."

He took a deep breath. "The animatronics try to stuff you in a suit if they see you."


"Calm down!" At this point you started to calm down a bit. Until you both heard footsteps. You tilted your head, a bit scared. Mike put his finger up to his lips as to say shhhh. He turned around as fast as he could and slammed his fist on the door button on the left door. "Few" Mike sighed.

Wait, what!? They move and kill you?!?

Then everything went black.

Stay alive! Foxy x Reader (fnaf)Where stories live. Discover now