Chapter 1: Club Rockwaller

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It's been a couple of days since you and Bonnie left Middleton as we see you and Bonnie rent a hotel in Manhattan

Bonnie: Well it may not be our home but it'll do for now.

(Y/N): Yeah, all that driving got me tired. So what's the plan for tomorrow?

Bonnie: Hm well why don't we stay here for a couple of days and stock up on supplies.

Vera: Sounds like a plan, *hears the loud music* Ugh, just wish we chose a hotel that wasn't next to a loud rave club though.

(Y/N): Yeah seriously, would it kill them just to turn down the noise just a little.

Bonnie: Well, *brings out sound canceling earbuds* It’s a good thing I brought these.

5 minutes later.

Here we see Bonnie still awake and you and Vera.

Bonnie: How can they be this loud?! Even with these sound canceling earbuds!

(Y/N): I have no idea, but I think it's time we had a little chat with our guests.

Vera: Or maybe use sound canceling earmuffs on top of the earbuds?

Bonnie: Already tried those, they don't work.

(Y/N): Maybe we can soundproof the room from the outside?

1 minute later.

(Y/N): There we go. *hears nothing* And there’s no sound.

Later on we see you and Bonnie try to go to sleep but soundproofing the room isn’t gonna last for much long.

(Y/N): *wakes up* Ok soundproofing the room didn't work.

Bonnie: Yeah, I think it's time we talk to them.

Later, we see you and Bonnie outside to follow the sound of the noise until you see a line that leads to it.

(Y/N): Excuse me, what’s this line for?

Bouncer: It's for the Tenderloin, and you two….seem a bit under-age.

Bonnie: Well could we speak to the manager?

(Y/N): Yeah we have a complaint, we wanna talk to him or her about lowering the volume on this joint, we need some sleep.

Bouncer: Hey look I know you two wanna talk to him but you two are too young for this I can't allow this.

You and Bonnie then look at each other and nod in agreement.

(Y/N): Then sorry about this.

Bouncer: About- *gets punched by you and knocked out*

Guy 1: Woah, dude if you wanted to *sees your glare* N-n-never mind.

Bonnie: Let's go.

(Y/N): Alright, let's see if they can turn down the volume on this rave party.

Vera: And if they can't?

(Y/N): I hope we won’t resort to violence.

Bonnie: We won't have to. Didn't you say you could make spores that make people go to sleep?

(Y/N): Oh yeah, almost slipped my mind.

Later we see you and Bonnie go inside the Tenderloin as you and Bonnie look around to see it’s not a rave party but rather a strip club.

(Y/N): Huh, never seen a rave like this before, what's with all the poles?

Vera: It must be part of the rave.

(DISCONTINUED) Mali U Possible: Totally Spies Crossover x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now