Chapter 6: Pagent Problems

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It's been a couple of days since your and Bonnie's first mission as we see the two of you with Jerry inside the lab as we then see an old apple being hit with a blue laser and a screen showing molecules being attached as we see Jerry with a vial of purple liquid as took some of it.

Jerry: Just a drop should be sufficient.

(Y/N): Take it easy J.

Bonnie: Yeah you don't want any of that stuff on your hands.

Jerry: Not to worry you two, I'll be very careful.

Jerry then pours a drop onto the apple as it did nothing as Jerry sighed in sadness.

(Y/N): Well it was a good try boss.

Vera: Yeah but don't worry there's always room for improvement.

Bonnie: Yeah I'm sure you'll get it next time.

Jerry: Thank you three, what do we say call it day?

(Y/N): Sure, we're late for our cat nap anyway.

Jerry then turns off the monitor as we then see the apple restored 

back to its original state as you, Bonnie and Jerry turned around.

Jerry: Huh? *sees the apple is restored* Excellent.

(Y/N): Not bad.

Bonnie: Yeah good job boss.

Jerry: Thank you two.

Jerry then puts the vial into a special containment unit as you, and 

Jenny along with Jerry leave WHOOP as he opens the door with his key card as we then see you two and Jerry outside.

Jerry: Preliminary findings show that the WHOOP age reversing serum is a success pending a few more trials it should be off and running.

(Y/N): Kinda like your hairline?

Bonnie: Oh burn! *Hi fives you* 

Jerry: You see, this is the exact reason why I am making this serum.

(Y/N): Is it because people think your….you know, the O-word.

Bonnie: Or the whole not having hair thing?

Jerry: Both of those.

(Y/N): Hey old or not you're still our friend Jerry.

Jenny: Yeah with or without hair. Besides, it’s not like you made it for 

someone else.

Jerry: *chuckles nervously* Yes someone else.

As you, Bonnie and Jerry were going into the car Jerry accidentally drops his WHOOP ID card as we then see a hand pick it up. Later on, After arriving in Mali U, you and Bonnie went to the penthouse since you two didn't have any classes for the day. Meanwhile we see Sam in journalism class as the teacher was giving a lecture.

Teacher: Being a journalist is not simply about telling a story, being a journalist is about uncovering the truth *tosses his own and grabs it and goes to the black board and writes notes*

Sam: Oh this guy is good.

Teacher: *O.S* Your assignment is to write an expose for the 

school, uncovering some kind of injustice in the world.

As Sam was writing when she hears her compowder buzz.

Sam: Uh oh, looks like it's spy time, I'll catch the rest of this later.

(DISCONTINUED) Mali U Possible: Totally Spies Crossover x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now