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A/N: This is a work of fiction and didn't happen. No libel or slander intended; no profit is being made. The events portrayed in this story are fictional and do not reflect on the actual people written about.



"You know, I've never quite liked her," Katie told Missy, and looked around the school lot. "Did you see who she's taking for prom? I can't believe it. I wouldn't stand next to him, let alone go on a date with him."

"She's being polite," Missy scrunched her nose. "And they're neighbors. If she said no, she'd have to say hi to him every day with a red face."

"As red as her hair! Now tell me, who are you going with?"

"Oh, this guy," Missy sighed. "But believe me, he's no great stroke. I've been with him a year now, and he's starting to get on my nerves."

"You'll get over him," Katie nodded. "Once we go to college, we're off. There's no looking back. And we can leave Westchester behind."

"Somehow, I don't think so," Missy frowned. "I think Westchester will always be a part of our lives. It was for me, since I moved."

"From Springfield, right?"

"Yes, during middle school. That's when I met Jessica... "

"Well, I see her coming towards us. Don't say anything. Promise?"

"Promise. Oh, she's going a different way. Well, you'll have to catch her at hometime."

"When's that?" Katie yawned. "And what class do you have next? I'm sick of my teacher... "


"Yo, Bam," Raab pushed out his feet from within the desk, to kick at the person sitting one up and to the side in the classroom. "Yo. Yo."

Bam stared round blankly. "What?"

"You see her," Raab put his tongue through his teeth. "Go on. Do it, I dare ya. Ask her."

Bam glanced over to where Missy sat by the window, and smiled at something Katie said.

"Nah," Bam shook his head and grinned. "She's goin' with somebody else."

"Yo," Raab switched topics. "You mind if I come over? My mum's hosting a Tupperware party."

"She's hot," Bam grinned, and crumpled to receive the loogie seconds later, and caused enough refrain for Missy and Katie to watch, giggling, as they were led out of the classroom.


"Oh, no," April opened the front door. "Get your feet off the dashboard. You can't have Chris over. Do you know what his mom said to me? I can't believe you. Why can't you be more like Jess?"

"Yeah, right," Bam rolled his eyes at his brother. "Speaking of - where's Jessica?"

"She's staying after school for a project," April reversed out of the lot, and checked her mirrors. "Now she's on track. You watch. She'll make something of herself, unlike her mother. Bam! Bam, put your feet down. You see we're at a red light and I know that woman in the car over - stop!"


"What trouble he get up to now?" Phil read his Daily Local.

"What else," April chuckled. "It's all hell breaks loose with him. And then he told - not asked - told me Chris was coming over. Between Ryan and Brandon, he just gets all these ideas. You've seen him - he's going out late at night to film doing shoppin' carts."

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