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"I don't have any trouble admitting it," Katie shrugged, with a sigh. "I mean, she's alright, I guess. Now that her brother's famous. What's her life like, I wonder?"

"You should know," Missy pulled a packet of cigarettes, and lit up. "Your boyfriend's filming them all the time. Did I tell you the time my dad caught me smoking for the first time?"

"No," Katie blinked. "God, I mean, sorry. I know he - "

"Forget it," Missy lifted a hand. "My mom's met someone new. So apparently I've got to move on, too."

"It's just - all Bam does is skateboard and Gee films him," Katie swung her leg over the other. "How long does this go for?"

"It's all day," Missy chuckled. "You've been to Turk's Head Festival before. It's all guitars and kids runnin' round and old folks' complainin'. Ya know."

They took seats on fold out seats, returning with hot dogs oozing sauce in paper napkins.

"This is good," Missy admitted. "But I shouldn't be eating this."

"Please," Katie frowned. "You're thin as hell; I'm jealous. I've always thought you should dye your hair darker."

"You think?" Missy considered. "Maybe."

"Well," Katie cleared her throat. "One thing's for sure. She won't be lonely for friends. All those hangers-on. They're there for the fame. At least you and I can say we were there first. We deserve it, too."


"You seen Jessie?" April asked. "She's upstairs in her room. Still studyin'. I can't believe her. She's such a busy bee. Back in my day... "

"Bam says he's had a few calls, an agent," Phil breathed easier, joining her on the couch. "They want to sign him up for a show. It's not enough Jess' band is on the rise."

"You're jokin'," April turned. "A show? For all that crap Bam pulls? Puh-leese. Get outta here."

"I'm not kiddin'," Phil heaved. "They're sending over the contract. Way I figure it is, he's gonna do better than either of the others."

"Don't say that," April swatted him with her magazine. "Jess is so passionate about his music. And Jessie... well, I only wanted her to join me in the salon. She's always out doing something or other!"


"But you've been seein' him for a while," Dunn leaned back on the bench, where in the distance, Bam ran with his skateboard and leapt on it towards a ramp.

"Yeah," Jenn pushed her sunglasses atop her head. "I mean, I geddit. It's a little weird; but it's goin' somewhere, you know? And age is just a number."

"I get that. You see that ollie Bam did? I about broke my ankle this one time - "

"Sorry to just open up," Jenn splayed her hands. "But sometimes people ask. And I get a bit tense."

"Nah, I understand," Dunn waved it away. "You see these lines under my eyes? I've had my heart broken. And my girl's my life, I wouldn't have it any other way. And if it works for you two, I'm not gunna say anythin'."

"Thanks. Look at him. He'll make so much money from this show he can do skateboarding whether they pay him for it or not."

"I reckon it's on the rise," Dunn shrugged. "You heard of Tim O'Connor in Jersey?"

"God knows what he's got planned for it," Jenn chuckled. "How boring it would be if they just filmed our lives. April makin' pasta and Phil stealing the leftovers out of the fridge."

"And Bam destroying stuff," Ryan nodded. "Prankin' people. Causing havoc. I dunno. If I had any life in me, I'd laugh if I was on the other end; if I was never gettin' a face full of sand, or getting pantsed in assembly."

"Did he do that?" Jenn turned. "I heard Bam was a riot at WC East."

"Still is," Ryan belched, and stared ahead. "Maybe that's why they've given him a show."

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