X Games

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"This is the place here, isn't it?" Lisa peered. "Do you like my new boots? I thought it better to go with a stiletto heel. Of course, you'd never mind I wore nothing but them!"

"Easy, woman," Jason grinned. "We've gotta get out to help Tim and Jessie with their bags and I can't do it with a stiffie."

"Oh, gross! Quick, put it away. Hi, hi!"

"I'll check us in," Jason shouted. "See? Nothing to hide."

"If it were only us, I'd say something you'd clip me for," Lisa poked out her tongue. "Never mind any brazen ideas going through your mind, we have to dump our luggage and head straight out. So the bed will remain made."


"You got the beer?" Tim peered. "Jason, you're the man. You've gotta teach me some of that Aussie slang. Lisa, you seen Jessie?"

"She's just popped to the ladies," Lisa sniffed.

"You know that's never stopped us before," Jason grinned. "Our seats are over here, this row. Man, the ramp is huge. Look at all the cameras. I didn't realise how much has changed since we visited the Staples Center the year before."

"What he means is," Lisa smiled. "And you'll forgive me, Tim. I'll spoil Jason's rendition by painting a conserative portrait of what actually happened."

"Nah, I've got an imagination," Tim smirked. "You two did it in the bogs in some sleazy bar. How d'ya like my Aussie accent?"

"Needs some work, mate," Jason grinned. "Lisa's fetched my heart from across the pond. How's my poetry?"

"You didn't even know it," Lisa smiled. "Eyes forward, gentlemen. Danny Way's coming on."


"I don't know how he survived that fall," Lisa admitted. "You know, you can come back to our room? Yes, and tell Jessie, I know she's fetching her scarf. I'll meet you there."

"Thanks," Tim huffed. "Man these hallways are long. You know people leave their trays outside when they're done? I've always thought homeless people should just do a drive by and fetch what they need."

"I think they'd be noticed entering the lobby," Lisa giggled. "Come in, you two. Jason's got the beer, and if you run out, you can filch from the minibar. So, that crowd, huh?"

"Lisa doesn't follow skateboarding," Jason grinned. "But once I told her I'm goin' into wrestling, she decided to work out with me."

"Not to that degree," Lisa smiled. "Please, take a seat. Oh, Jessie, you need a charger? Mine's got a weird face one. Well, we'll wait for you. Don't be long!"

"You chicks know nothin' about technology," Tim snorted.

"And you do?" Lisa stared. "Such geniuses you are. If either of you try that stunt Danny Way got up again and again for, we'll leave you. I can confidently speak for Jessie."

"Can you?" Jason raised his eyebrows. "Cos she never says much to me. She's always making goo-goo eyes at ol' Timmo here."

"Shut up, guys," Tim yawned. "It's been a long day. You'll forgive the disrespect, I'm sure. Once I'm a couple more beers in, I'll get nicer."

"When Jason and I get married," Lisa fidgeted with her ring. "It's only a couple months away, but do you think it's OK if I ask Jessie for a discount?"

"On what?"

"She works at the Lilypad, right? Some wedding stationery place? I like the look of the ones she sent us for Bam's wedding... "

"Sure," Tim nodded. "I think she's gonna set up her own home business though."

"From home?" Lisa peered.

"You still haven't snapped her up yet, have you?" Jason chuckled. "I'm tellin' ya. There's a lot more sex when you share a house than when you're in Jersey and Jessie's in Westchester. And how are you gonna do it with Ape and Phil down the hall?"

"Oh, guys. You've gotta let up," Tim glanced. "Shit, sorry Jessie. I forgot I took your charger. Yeah, yeah, I know. If you want, you can call your mom on mine. I've got minutes."

"Smooth talkin'," Jason smirked to Lisa. "Minutes, eh? That's the life."

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