New York

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"Oh, Missy," April gushed. "That is the one. You must pick that one. Don't you agree, Marian?"

"Mom will agree with you on everything," Missy smiled. "Could I try the next on, please? Thank you. Oh, some champagne. Drink up, ladies!"

"We'll be tipsy by the time we get to lunch," April chuckled. "Marian, sit closer to me. I want to hear all about why you never come to my salon anymore. Oh, I'll forgive that, I suppose. And is, uh, Kevin, is it? Is he coming to the wedding?"

"He's coming, right mom?" Missy peered. "I did tell him. And now that he's moved in, you'll have the place to yourself. Well, at least until Jessica graduates and moves back in again."

"Oh, I tell you I'm so glad I had at least one daughter," April smiled. "Marian, you must be so proud of Missy. My Jessie's seeing someone, well it sort of came about in a roundabout sort of way. But they've always had eyes for each other, even if Phil reminds me it was one sided for a while. But he's good, she's good. Yes, I have asked her, but she's given me no information on that score... no, but she's got a job at the Lilypad. Yes, that's where Missy's getting her wedding stationery done, I know... perhaps she can run you a discount, ha."


"It's been a while since I've been to New York," Marian chuckled. "It's just up here. No, the restaurant's through there. I know, the streets are set up a weird way. Jessica, you coming?"

"I was taking photos," Jessica slipped her camera inside her purse. "Is this the place? Wow, this is fancy. Gilt leaf on the walls and look at those tablecloths!"

"I suppose you're used to the college cafeteria, my girl," Marian smiled. "Sit next to me. I've taken the lion's share of Missy's attention today. It'll be good for her and April to talk."

"You reckon April will still cook and clean for Bam? Mom, don't make that face. It's a legit question, you know."

"Perhaps this is the modern girl talking," Marian rolled her eyes. "But April is not their maid. I raised three daughters, thank you. And Missy will help just as - just as that other girl did."

"You don't need to whisper, Mom. I know you mean Jenn."

"Quiet! Now they're staring."

"That's because the waiter's coming," Jessica glanced. "Oh, thank you. Mom, here's your menu. Take a look at this dessert. And I want you to trust me when I say it's worth the money."


"Sorry," Missy smiled. "It's in here somewhere."

"She's like her mother," Marian smiled at the cashier. "But gosh, look at this place. Madison Avenue! You're the first place on our list, no wonder you get our business. Found it yet, Missy?"

"Here it is, sorry. I'm always losing things in this purse."

"You know, Missy," Marian winked to the cashier. "That's why God gives credit cards. So you can buy another."

"I've already bought enough," Missy smiled. "Let's pop out to the SUV and I'll chuck these bags in the back. I think we're meeting April at Barney's. Do you know they have a rooftop deck?"

"We've had lunch," Marian exclaimed. "Honestly, Missy. Just between you and me. Promise I won't ask again - "

"He didn't tell me, Mom. He just gave me the card. I don't know the limit."

"It's so extravagant," Marian shook her head. "I'm not telling you not to spend. But just keep an eye out. Perhaps he's testing you."

"He's not testing me, Mom. We've known each other since middle school."

"I'm just sayin'," Marian glanced up. "Oh, there's April and your sister. Let's bundle them in. We've got an hour's drive home, and I want to try out my new foot massager. Have you heard from your grandma? We drove past a nice retirement home on the way here... "

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