I have died everyday waitingggggg for you

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After she went in class kobe was sitting at his seat and it was a empty but she went to go sit by a random boy Instead then she looked back at Kobe (like the bad bitch she is) but he had a death face that made you get chills then Monroe came to sit by him so she looked straight then the boy tapped her



???:I'm Jared🙂

Devenity:h-hi j-Jared

Jared:you good?


Jared:your really pretty


Then he touched her shoulda

Devenity:can you stop doing that

Jared:stop doing what

He said moving his hand on her leg going closer to her heat



Jared:ok geez

Teacher:what's the problem

Kobe:hes fucking touching her like she's a fucking sex doll

Teacher:calm down

Monroe:yeah Kobe chill it's fine baby

Kobe:yeah whatever

After class

Devenity ran out class Kobe followed her to make sure she was okay

I was running down the hall then I was snatched into a room but somebody pressed they lips on mine and they covered my eyes so I won't see I tried to get them off me but they were to strong then I felt they hands go down my pants and started rubbing my 😼 then stuck their fingers and started pumping me I tried to scream but they hands were over my mouth (I tried to scream but head was under water😌 anyways✋🏽)

Kobe pov
I was following devenity to make sure she was okay because of that boy she was sitting by,but Monroe came to me and distracted me and when I turned back around devenity was gone and Monroe kept on distracting me,maybe because she jealous

After that the person left but they were to fast for me to get they face so I just sat there and cried

Kobe pov
I saw somebody come out a room nobody uses, then Monroe left so I was going to the bathroom but I heard cries so I went in the room and it was devenity.

Kobe:mamas what wr- devenity what's wrong


Kobe:it has to be something what's wrong

Devenity:they touched me

Kobe:define touch

Devenity:they covered my eyes and kissed me and did things to me

Kobe:did you see they face



She got on my back and I took her to the office to tell them were leaving when we entered that boy she sat by gave her a guilty look she looked at him and he looked away I instantly knew it was him then Monroe came in and gave him some money she looked back at me and got scared

Kobe:so it was you

Monroe:what do you me-

Jared:it was her look I'm sorry but she said if I didn't she will kill my lil sis and Im tryna take care of me and my lil sister my mom is out al the time please don't hurt me I didn't like a bit of wheat I did while I was doing please forgive me


Devenity:was it you


Devenity:I forgive you

Jared,Kobe,Monroe:YOU DO!?!?!?!

Devenity:yeah but not Monroe your sick in the head

Monroe:I don't care you shoulda stayed away from kobe now I posting that video

Jared:you was recording!?!?


Kobe:your nasty we're broken up

Monroe:don't matter I've been cheating on you

Kobe:oh wow well my new girl is on my back

Monroe:I don't believe it


He took me off his back grabbed me by my neck and kissed me

Kobe:you happy now?


Principal:Kobe detention

Kobe:why tho

Principal:that's not how you treat a lady you don't just kiss them like that be respectful

Kobe:I need you to shut the fuck up BUT

Devenity:I'm so sorry for Kobe behavior is there anything I can do to get him out of TROUBLE

She said looking back at Kobe and Kobe put his hands up

Principal:actually yes take him home


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