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*devenity got to Kobe mom house everyone was sad and dragging their feet because kiya was still missing it's been a week kobe haven't contacted us we tried calling him but no answer I'm actually really worried so I'm finally telling his mom what he did

Devenity:hey moma

K/m:hey baby what's up

Devenity:I kinda know something about Kobe

K/m:what is it?

Devenity:so u know a mane by tony?

K/m:oh god no,DEVENITY why didn't you tell me

Devenity:he told me he will be okay I-

K/m:that man is bad new omg devenity!

K/d:what's going on

K/m:devenity just told me something she should of been did


Devenity:Kobe went with tony I don't know who taht is tho


Devenity:I'm sorry if o was supposed to tell I don't know how dangerous "tony" is

K/m:okay um devenity you need to go somewhere it's not safe here anymore

K/d:yeah Kobe will want you and kyrie safe so leave this house

Devenity:what's going on

K/m:family business

Devenity:wow okay

K/d:go pack your stuff hurry

*she went upstairs and grabbed kyrie and got him Dressed while he was sleeping then she heard*


*she panicked and hid in the bathroom with kyrie whole locking the door she heard footsteps coming closer to the door then she heard banging that caused kyrie to start crying*

???:I know your in there come out

Devenity:who are you

???:someone who has your little boyfriend

Devenity:leave me alone

???:it's you or that baby

Devenity:leave my baby alone

???:then come out

*she slowly got up and unlocked the door*

???:okay now open it

*she opened it and it was vallyk*




Kobe:hey mama


Derek:so do you want chick-fil-A or McDonald's

Kiya:heyy girl


K/m:hi sweetie


Devenity:I-I'm about to pass out g-get kyrie

*kobe hurried and grabbed kyrie and Derek caught her*

Devenity:okay I'm good now,so what's going on was all a prank

Devenity:so who's tony


Devenity:I- okay give me my baby

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