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Days later they moved to L.A

Devenity wanted to surprise Kobe cause she found out she was pregnant
As she walked in the house she saw that girl asheleyy


Devenity:and why are u here

Asheleyy:me and Kobe is friends

Devenity:mhm yeah

Kobe walks down stairs

Kobe:woah that's my baby moma


Kobe:I was just playing I'm really not ready for a kid ya know *he said that to play it off*

Devenity:haha me neither

Kobe:entiwayssss asheleyy wanna go to the movies tommrow

Devenity:can that wait I was planning something for us tomorrow

Kobe:ouuu what is it

~back story~
Somebody leaked a sex tape of her and Mikey doinnn it and he thought it was recently because Mikey said he was going on a plane to visit you

Devenity:on the beach and I have to give you a sunrise

Kobe:......... yep it can wait


Kobe:uhhh asheleyy lets go get some food

Asheleyy:kobeee why are you acting like that towards her stop it your making her feel bad and soon enough she's gonna start doubting herself and cutting places around her body

What she did was true devenity didn't know how she knew but she knew

Devenity:*tears up* oh I won't do that I have kids I need to take care off

Kobe mind*but she only have one-"
He looks at her stomach and she's holding it devenity seen that he caught on so she took her hands off and said

Devenity:by kids I mean babysit I babysit kids I just love them

Asheleyy:oh I thought you were pregnant for a minute

Devenity:and why would I be


Devenity:oh I'm tired um have fun eating it's this place that just opened y'all can go there they food are really good

Asheleyy:who did you go with

Devenity:me and my son righttt I'm sleepy I'm go to bed with melakiah

Melakiah can kinda talk now

Devenity went in the room and started crying Kobe followed her but she didn't know he was at the door hearing

Melakiah:mama don't cry it's Donna de otay,otay?

Devenity:ok baby

Melakiah:is baby sister ok


Melakiah:can I kith baby sister

Devenity:yes baby but kiss her gently she still I. Mommy stomach so she can see you

Melakiah:otay mommy?

Devenity:yes baby

Melakiah:did you tell kobe, baby sister he said pointing to her stomach

Devenity:no baby I don't want to ruin his life he's with somebody he really likes and o hate to mess that up now you know too much go to sleep

As Kobe heard his conversation he got mad she didn't tell him that he had a baby girl on the way

He went down stairs and said Asheleyy when ever devenity come around kiss me and everything okay

Asheleyy:Kobe that's not cool she loves you

Kobe:but she cheated so idc

Then Mikey came in

Mikey:wassu- oh shit

Asheleyy:she knows

Mikey:and nothing went down

Asheleyy:you should go check on her Kobe made her feel bad and melakiah is trying to keep her stable

Mikey:Kobe why would you-

Kobe:you fucked her behind my back

Mikey:what do you-

Kobe:let's go mama and he took asheleyy hand and left


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