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~after that she ate then listened to J.I song used to and fell asleep~

~next morning\day~

Devenity woke up to kobe in the bed she got up and showered and brushed her teeth and made him breakfast after that she woke him up



Devenity:happy birthday

Kobe:thankyou mama

Devenity:come eat

Kobe:I'm sleepy



~he Went downstairs ate then went to the bathroom and showered and things~~after he showered he put on the birthday outfit and went in the kitchen~

Devenity:look baby I have a tiny baby bump

Kobe:finally I can run your stomach now

Devenity:your old

Kobe:I'm only 19

Devenity:and I'm 18 your old

Kobe:the birthday is it 2 weeks

Devenity:okay and?

Kobe:your gonna be old to

Devenity:true but your still old

Kobe:k whatever

Devenity:ohh I got you a lil sum


~she went to get all the bags from what she bought him~


Kobe:baby this is like 800,000 dollars for all these things

Devenity:I know

Kobe::oh yea I'm spoiling you for your birthday


~after he opened all his gifts he went to his mom house so that gave you time to decorate~

~after she finished~~she called all Kobe friends and some of them she texted on ig and his family and told them to come so she got dressed~

~her shirt was white and black with the words kbreeezo on the back with some jeans and air-forces~

~Kobe finally came~

~and yall did the surprise thing and everything else blah blah blah~~after the party~

~Kobe left for a after party and J.I stayed to help you clean the house~

J.I:why you house gotta be so big

Devenity:why your mouth gotta be so big

J.I:yeah ok but this mouth got some work

Devenity:your nasty😂

J.I:hm I think freaky but that works


J.I:I see yo lil baby bump

Devenity:oh yeaaa I forgot to tell you

~then she started cleaning again~~so J.I decided he wanted to go live~


Devenity:hm- stawppppp I look roughhh

J.I:ugly ass

Devenity:you ain't noting beta

J.I:girl I'm sexy stfu

Devenity:yeah that's what you think

J.I:what ever

User:did he just call her mami
User:wheres Kobe
User:aweee her baby bump
User:shes not ugly
User:We Stan mami
~J.I read some of the comments~

J.I:mami look


J.I:read the comments

Devenity:yes he called me mami

J.I:I call her mami and she call me j stop making something small into a big thing

Devenity:Kobe is having a after party with Derek and nem

J.I:read the others ones I don't fell like it

Devenity:oh yea guys I drew today

Devenity:omg I am ugly stawp it

Devenity:yes we Stan the name mami

J.I:made by me

Devenity:yeah whatever


User:y'all are funny
User:I'm sorry but I ship
User:how long have y'all been friends
User:can we start calling you mami
User:when is the baby due
User:J.I is daddy
User:Kobe out there having fun while you just chilling😂
User:your pretty
User:heyyy mami
User:mami is pretty
J.I:shes not funny I am...

Devenity:we've been friends for like 14 years right?

J.I:ion know BOZO!


J.I:yes yall start calling her mami

Devenity:the baby is due actually I dong know I'm going to the doctor tomorrow

J.I:y'all let Kobe be its his birthday damn


J.I:y'all  tripping she ugly in person

Devenity:true,oop heyyy gurlll

J.I:y'all stop hyping her up before she actually thing she pretty

Devenity:oh shush

J.I:ight y'all I'm out I'm about to beat devenity ass

Devenity:tf you is
J.I:anyways bye y'all

~he ended the live~

J.I:what you doing tomorrow

Devenity:the doctors

J.I:I leave L.A tommrow


J.I:yup I was down here for a music video and to see u😁

Devenity:aweee look at you caring about me

J.I:always and forever

~they did their hand shake~

Devenity:always and forever

~then he left out the front door~

~3hours later Kobe came in the hide drunk~


Kobe:moma I don't feel to good

Devenity:mcht you get in my fucking nerves

~she helped him in the bed and gave him medicine~

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