New life

440 17 7

Next morning

Devenity got up she didn't see kobe so she went in his room and him and Olivia was cuddling

Devenity:you son of a bitch

Then she closed the door she went to abella room and woke her up

Abella:i sleepy

Devenity:I know mama just out these clothes on and Caine down stairs

20 minutes later

Abella:mommy I'm ready

Devenity:what took you so long

Abella:pretty takes time mommy and Derek helped me I couldn't put on my shurt

Devenity:okay mamas y'all ready

Melakiah:yup so what are we doing mommy

Devenity:were moving to Houston


Devenity:because it's bad down here

Abella:where would daddy be

Devenity:no where near us now we gotta go

She grabbed the kids bags went to the car put them in the trunk then she went back in the house

Devenity:come on kids we gotta g-

Kobe:abella told me
He said holding her while abella has tears down her eyes

Devenity:told you what

Kobe:why are y'all moving

Devenity:to McDonald's?

Kobe:I'm not stupid I saw you putting bags in the car

Devenity:well we're just going out of town calm down

Mikey:why did melakiah came in my room and told me to help you and make you not move to Houston

Devenity:were just going out of town

Mikey:well I'm going to Toronto for summer can he come with please

Devenity: yeah sure


Devenity:no she's young with me that's final

She grabbed abella grabbed her bags grabbed her keys went to the car gave Mikey melakiah bags got in the car with abella and left once she arrived at the airport she grabbed some food then it was time for her flight she got on the plane and flew to Houston ince she landed she got a Uber and went to a hotel then she arrived at the hotel it was jive she got abella and her bags and went inside

Worker:hi I'm Layla and what room would you like suite,regular,president suite

Devenity:just a suite

Layla:and how many days


Worker:oh room 226

She gave her her key
Devenity went to her room and sat abella down and turned on the tv

Kobe pov
It's been hours since I've seen my daughter I really miss her but devenity will never let me see her so I really don't know what to do should I fly out there try to call,text anything I just really miss abella then Olivia came in

Olivia:aww Kobe it's okay your gonna see abella again for sure

Kobe:I just miss her he pulled out his phone and looked at a picture of her

Kobe:I just miss her he pulled out his phone and looked at a picture of her

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That's abella

Kobe:I need to see my baby ASAP  she's only 3 with no dad and her birthday is in a week devenity is really wrong for this

Devenity pov

I feel bad for leaving and now I need to find a house ASAP abella birthday is in a week and I'm so stressed I'm buying decorations for her birthday and trying to find a home I wish I just lived a better life ughhhhhhg

Next day

Devenity woke up seeing a text from kobe but didn't want to read it then she left her phone with abella and took a shower as she got out the shower she heard kibe voice but didn't see him then she saw abella with her phone

Abella:dada called and I answered

Kobe:so what you doing for your birthday

Abella:I don't know dada can you buy me ummmm


Abella:please dada I miss you

Kobe:fine what is it

Abella: Louie bear

Kobe:where did you see that

Devenity:ok abella enough bye Kobe
She hung up

Abella:no I want dada!!!!

Devenity:I don't care what you want your not getting it

Abella:I dont want you

Devenity:like I said abella I don't care what you want



She put clothes on her then abella and did both of they hair she left out the hotel because she found the house she wanted she called a Uber to that's house luckily it was already furniture in there all she had to do and bring her belongings so she called a Uber back to the hotel got her clothes and abella clothes and ubered to the house once she arrived she put abella asleep and took a shower she put her pjs on and went to bed

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