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After all of that devenity put her clothes on and came downstairs just in time to see the kids but she wasn't walking right

Melakiah:mommy your walking weird

Devenity:I am I didn't notice

Kobe:so guys watcha wanna dooooo


Kobe:was sup

Kayden:is abella my sister mama said she is

Devenity spit out her water and looked at Kobe

Kobe:yep she is he sis trying to hold in his laugh

Devenity starts choking

Abella:mama how aur you douing

Devenity:cough* I'm fine baby

Abella:I saw dada

Devenity:you did where

Abella:he had a baby with him went to donals



Devenity:who else

Melakiah:abella shhhhh

Abella:a gurl

Devenity:ok okay

Melakiah:abella no now your not gonna have a mommy and dada

Abella:me not🥺

Melakiah:you ruined it for my mom and dad dada is not your dada

Abella:yeth he iusss

Melakiah:no heth not

Devenity:you guys I told you about this subject

Abella:moma who is my dada

Devenity looks at Kobe, kibe miss his head


Abella:dada he dada

Devenity:yes mamas

Melakiah:now are you and dad still friends

Devenity:idk yo kobe watch them Ima go do something

Mikey house
Devenity walked it and saw him cheating so you have a whole son and you did this in front of his face I'm not even mad I mean I did it soooooo

Mikey:baby I sorry

Devenity:don't say sorry to say it to melakiah because he's mad and he told abella your not her dad and ihadtotellkobebecauseisawhatthemallwithhisgifriendamdhechaetedonherwithmeessedupahappyhomeimabadpersonidontdeserve

Mikey:mamas calm down

Devenity:don't call me that bitch get out my house Mikey put some clothes on

The girl ran out the house and Mikey came back downstairs with clothes on

Mikey:moma I'm sowy you were just distant and I needed attention I'm sorry

Devenity:I cheated to



Mikey:our of all people moma really

Devenity:papaaaaaaaaa I'm sowy

Mikey:awwww you cry like a baby


They started cuddling  devenity was happy that she can tell Mikey anything and he would understand they broke up but they really didn't care they still called eachother they pet names

Devenity:oh shit my kids she put shoes on and headed to the door when somebody knocked

Kobe:heyy it's me

Mikey:moma who at the door

Devenity:papa it's Kobe
*kobe was kinda hurt that she started calling somebody else papa*

Mikey:ok moma

She opens the door

Kobe:I was wondering if abella can stay at my house

Mikey:nope i don't think so she's my daughter

Mikey grabs abella from Kobe

Kobe:nah bruh that's all me she looks like me and she already calls me daddy not dada I taught her

Devenity:awe look at dad of the year well yeah you can take her only for a day


Devenity:papa chillll

Kobe took abella out Mikey hands

Kobe:thankyou byeeee

Devenity closed the door with melakiah in her arms

Mikey:he haven't been in her life for 1yr and he dad of the yr I don't get it

Devenity:papa are you mad at me🥺🙄


Mikey:you get on my nerves


Mikey:hand me melakiah and we're gonna go to sleep

Devenity:k I have to go to the store the kids ran out of snacks


Devenity grab her keys and left

~the store~

As devenity went in she saw this really cute boy but she was to nervous to go up to him so she kept walking she went in the candy section then the baby section and she bumped into someone

????:oop my bad I wasn't paying attention

Devenity:it's alrig- dajuane!!!?


Devenity:how you doing

Dejuane:uhh not good

Devenity:what's wrong

Dejuane:this girl is pregnant that I um did it wit so I'm tryna find some baby stuff she's nine months


Dejuane:I haven't seen you since middle school how are you doing

Devenity:I had a baby boy 3yrs ago his name is melakiah I had him with Mikey Williams uhhhh I had a baby girl 1yr ago by Kobe Morris he didn't want to be in her life so he left 1yr later I saw him in the mall with his girlfriend and his son which he cheated on her with me I feel bad she's so nice she is obsessed with me and I'm single Mikey and I cheated on eachother so we're just friends and yeah

Dejuane:girl you got it bad

Devenity:I know right

Dejuane:can I get your number

Devenity:it's the same just a better phone lol

Dejuane:oh okay well I will be calling you tommrow cause I wanna go places with me,you and your kids I wanna meet them

Devenity:sure anytime

Skip to next day cause I got lazy

I DONT PLAY TRUTH OR DARETahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon