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When devenity woke up she was a very dark room couldn't see anything but literally a strip of light

???:finally your up i was getting bored

Devenity:who are you I want my family back

???:soon but not know just know your kids are safe

Devenity:who did you do to them

???:thier fine look at this

*a man came closer but he had a mask on then he showed devenity a video of them swimming*

???:see I'm not a monster I have a heart

Devenity:then why kidnap me n my kids

???:they don't know that they think I'm thier uncle and your sleep in a room


???:if I have t killed your little boyfriend or your family oh baby I'm not evil

Devenity:FUCK YOU

???:I'm keeping my cool okay so stfu



*then he slapped her*

Devenity:how dare you I'll kill you



???:exactly now I sent your little boyfriend to jersey


???:I coulda killed him beacause he didn't complete what I told him but he said he'll do anything to keep y'all alive so he's in jersey for a couple of months okay

Devenity:why me my life is a literal fucking movie

???:mhm I'm mattia

Devenity:that's a dumbass name

Mattia:oh baby I don't think you wanna start with me in da dark now if I take you in this house out of this shit you can't escape cause I'll find you and kill you


*mattia grabbed devenity by her arm and basically dragged her out the shed thing they walked into a house a big one a mansion they opened the door to a lot of boys*

???:he's I-oop

Devenity:yes a black person

???:right heyy


Mattia:stop making friends


???:I wouldn't say that If I were you

Devenity:oh right

mattia:okay enough chit chat walk in that room right there pink door


*devenity walked in the room looking for a escape plan but she was to Far up *

Devenity:why tf the first floor so high up


Kairi:who is that she's pretty

Mattia:kobes girlfriend

Kyrie:I had fun

Alejandro:you did


Alejandro:that's go-

Mattia:SHUT UP

Alejandro:we just came in da house why so mean geez

Mattia:take them things somewhere else

Alejandro:their kids and their Kobe's kids he's my favorite out of this group anyways and co-leader your dad said it

Mattia:but I'm the leader

Alejandro:is under Kobe okay so he gave me the job to take care of these kids and his girlfriend-

Mattia:I'll do that


Roshaun:uhh mattia I don't think Kobe girlfriend likes you

Mattia:I'll make her like me

Roshaun:your very cold can't you just accept the fact that the girl hates you,you've been eyeing her for a year now

Mattia:and I finally have he-

Devenity came out the room

Devenity:oh I was just gonna ask for a towl


Devenity:oh my gosh hiiiiii

*she was about to go to them but mattia held her arm*

Devenity:let me go

Mattia:you can't have contact with them people

Devenity:their my kids that I have with my boyfriend soon to be husband Kobe so please let me get my babies hi jaylon


Mattia let go

Devenity ran to the kids and hugged them

Devenity:oh my gosh I was so scared for you guys

Laylay:were safe ale is nice

Devenity:whos ale


Devenity looked up

Devenity:tysm for keeping them safe

Alejandro:no problem

Devenity:jaylon why so quiet

Jaylon:where's dad


Jaylon:no laylay and ky said my dads name is jay

Devenity:no baby their joking lets um let's go to mommy's room


I DONT PLAY TRUTH OR DARETahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon