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~next morning~

Devenity pov

I woke up with lots of balloons and chocolate in the bed with me with a sorry card it said

-I'm sorry for hitting you I was really drunk I didn't know what I was doing pls forgive me I know you like chocolate and balloons and also I bought you bracelet from pandora it's in the kitchen next to your breakfast

-Love Aron-

I still don't forgive him but I mean who can miss out on a Expensive bracelet,candy,and balloons on top of that FOOD!

I ran down stairs to Aron doing abella hair into lemonade braids and melakiah cleaning up

Devenity:how did you manage

Aron:I'm a good person I'm sorry for that lastNight it wasn't me but you still belong to me tho and I'll leave tonight I have woke I'll be back tommrow evening I also have a mansion I want you and the kids to come see it one day

Devenity:that's fine FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!

Aron:dang girl

Devenity:shhhh I'm hungry

Aron:for me?

Devenity:no FOOD!!!!! Eeeeeeek

Melakiah:mommy look I clean up

Devenity:good baby

She said with a stuffed mouth
Then The doorbell rung devenity ran to the door and it was kobe with Kayden and that girl

Devenity:heyyyy? What are you doing here

Kobe:we moved down here

Devenity:oh okay?

Kobe:where is my daughter

Devenity:hold on

She shut the door

Devenity:Aron do this one favor


Devenity:I don't want her dad to meet you yet so can you go upstairs oh look you finished her hair

Aron:yes and yes


He went upstairs devenity opened the door

Devenity:sorry about that I'm come in

They came in

????:wow it smells so good

Devenity:yeah my son cleaned up for me while I was sleep

Kobe:who was watching them

Devenity:oh- I- I have a babysitter for them

Kobe:oh okay

Abella:hi dad look at my hair do you like my rainbow beads

Kobe:yeah baby who did them


Kobe:who's Aron

Devenity:the babysitter

Kobe:oh okay well devenity this is my girlfriend April


Devenity:omg your so pretty I'm devenity Kobe's baby- well you know already lol

April:yeah abella is so pretty and cute

Kobe:she looks like me

April:no she looks like her mom but okayyyy kobe you have a twin already



April:how do you know kiya

Devenity:me and Kobe used to be-

Kobe:bestfriends and one night we got caught in they moment and did it a week later devenity told me she was pregnant

April:oh okayyyy


Abella:well mommy can I wear my special dress Aron bought me

Devenity:when did he get the time

Abella:mommy he woke up extra early with me and melakiah just to buy you those things for hi-

Devenity:you can go change into the dress abella

Abella:okay mommy

Devenity:melakiah go put on some clothes your dad is in town I'm dropping you off for a week


~They went upstairs~

Kobe:was abella about to say hitting you

Devenity:n-no she s-said well a-bout t-t-to s-s-say h-Harding me?!

Kobe:who hit you

Devenity:Kobe how bout to worry about April,Kayden and abella and I'll worry about abella and melakiah

Kobe:but if someone hit you infront of abella that's hurting abella too am I right

Devenity:ye-um April a little help

April:I can't once he thinks for sure he knows

Kobe:I know someone hit you actually hitting you

Devenity:nobody been hitting me or hurting me and how can you show proof

Kobe:first off theirs a red hand mark on your neck,a little purple bruise on your cheek,oh and bruises on you arm oh and you have a slightly black eye

Devenity:k-Kobe I'm fine

Kobe:I-okay I'm taking abella for a week I don't want her around none of this and I'll drop of melakiah also

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