Why did he do it

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Devenity pov~
⚠️if your sensitive don't read and play the music it's very sad well to me it is I don't want anybody crying and thankyou for 876 reads I'm really happy and I can't text anyone back because I need my email lol but anyway thankyou so much I just started this as a hobby I didn't expect for it to get this many reads I will definitely make more stories because this book really mad me wanna start more I really love all the people that clicked and read my book thank you⚠️

As Aron railed into me I was in shock I choked up I didn't know what to do I snapped out of reality i felt what was happening but my body didn't let me do anything about it my body just let it happen while my soul was crying inside of it at this point I wanted to die I'm really getting raped I have kids how am I gonna get over this moving to Houston was not a good idea I miss my friends I miss L.A I miss derek I miss aya I miss mike I miss dejuane I miss vallyk I miss I miss I miss kobe I miss him so much I want to be in his arms I need to be I want to be Kobe ~whispers~ Kobe pls come save me please I need help

Then She heard yelling and things falling she was then picked out by someone but didn't know who then she felt clothes on her body she snapped back in reality with all her strength and she looked up and saw

Who do you think she saw comment who you thought she saw here is a hint she mention the person when she said she missed that person but who could it be vallyk?????? 

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