Time Alone - Reggie Peters x Reader (Julie and the Phantoms) (Request)

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Requested by @Ella67327 on Quotev. I really hope you liked this! I thought it was cute. And if you guys haven't watched Julie and the Phantoms on Netflix yet, honestly, please do! It's so good!

"And just what do you think you're doing?" (Y/N) Molina laughed as she entered her room. She opened her door and found her bassist friend hanging upside down off the end of her bed. Reggie became startled by her voice and fell completely off the bed, flipping over himself, while (Y/N) just continued to laugh.

Reggie stood up quickly, his face darkening a red shade in embarrassment before starting to laugh with her.

(Y/N) and her slightly younger sister Julie had met Reggie, and his friends Luke and Alex, a few weeks prior, when they somehow appeared in their mom's studio after listening to an old CD. It was an occurrence that (Y/N) never thought possible since they were, in fact, dead. The boys had been part of a band back in the 90s when they had died of food poisoning (street dogs, according to the boys), but they had only just now appeared before the two girls as ghosts, 25 years later.

Though their first impressions were rocky, Julie and (Y/N) became very fond of the boys and Julie even joined their band. It was an odd situation, but the sisters were the only people to see the boys normally, but when they played their instruments with Julie, they could be seen and heard by everyone. However, they discovered something even stranger. (Y/N) could actually touch and feel the boys. None of them had any answers, but they all just went with it. It was all very weird anyway.

As the five got to know each other, (Y/N) had taken quite the shining to Reggie, and Reggie to her, and the two grew very close. While he was alive, Reggie was quite the flirt. He knew it, too. He never had a problem talking to girls, but when it came to (Y/N), it was hard to speak in coherent sentences. He felt he was constantly tripping over himself and embarrassing himself. He liked her a lot, and for once in his life (and afterlife), he really didn't know what to do with himself around a girl.

"You didn't answer my question," (Y/N) teased.

Reggie laughed a little and scratched the back of his head. "Well, I was actually waiting for you to get home," he admitted.

(Y/N) cocked an eyebrow at him in interest. "Oh, really?" She sat on the end of her bed.

Reggie nodded and sat beside her. "Well Julie said you were staying late at school to do work, but then she and Luke went to go work on some more songs and Alex disappeared again, most likely hanging out with Willie, and I got really lonely in the studio, so I came in here. I knew you wouldn't be home for a while, but I didn't mind waiting for you so-"

"Reggie." (Y/N) put a hand on his, effectively stopping his explanation. "You're rambling."

"Oh, right," he laughed, turning red again.

(Y/N) had to laugh at how red the bassist got. She found it so adorable. She would never tell Julie or the other boys, but she relished these moments alone with Reggie. The two were at their most relaxed with each other, whether they were goofing off, fiddling around with instruments, talking, or listening to music. The two could just sit in silence if they really wanted to and be comfortable with each other.

(Y/N) normally listened to music to unwind after school, but she usually ended up listening in on band practice so this would be the first in a while she got to enjoy music in the comfort of her room. She took her phone out and connected it to her speakers via blue tooth to blast some Disney music.

Something (Y/N) had come to discover, being Reggie's friend, he may seem all hardcore and listen to rock music, but he was a huge Disney nerd. So, (Y/N) made it her mission to catch him up on all the amazing Disney music he had missed out on in the past 25 years. (Y/N) took Reggie's hand and pulled him down onto her bed as "Strangers Like Me" started playing out of her speakers. She started singing along to the lyrics and Reggie just got a dumb smile on his face, watching and listening to her. Just like Julie, she had the voice of an angel and he could just listen to it all day.

For hours, the two just lay on (Y/N)'s bed, singing along to the music and laughing at each other when they made impressions of each of the Disney characters. At some point, the two ended up sitting against her headboard, Reggie's arm around her shoulders while she laid her head on his shoulder. When the familiar tune of "A Whole New World" came through, Reggie got an idea. Cheesy, sure, but an idea. He untangled himself from (Y/N) (who was becoming increasingly confused) and stood up from her bed, offering his hand out to (Y/N), just like Aladdin for Jasmine.

(Y/N) smiled as she realized what Reggie was doing, but it also made her blush furiously. She gladly took his hand as he helped her up so they could dance together. Reggie pulled (Y/N) in close, wrapping his right arm around her waist and held her hand in his left. He shot her a huge smile as he started swaying them back and forth. (Y/N) smiled back and rested her head on his chest. She smiled even wider as Reggie began singing along to the song in her ear. It felt she was in her own fairy tale. Reggie started spinning her around when she started singing along, too, so her singing was broken up by laughs shared by the two.

Reggie pulled her back to his chest as the song came to an end. "A whole new world," he sang.

"A whole new world," (Y/N) echoed.

"That's where we'll be."

"That's where we'll be."

As they sang, it was like the rest of the world went away. They stared into each other's eyes, not caring about anything else.

"A thrilling chase."

"A wondrous place."

Reggie's eyes flickered to (Y/N)'s lips, the girl doing the same in return as they leaned in toward each other.

"For you and me." Reggie pulled (Y/N) in tightly and the two shared a sweet kiss, not having a care in the world.

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