Home at Last - Bi!Shiro x Reader (Voltron)

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(Y/N) stared at the unconscious man lying before her. It had been over a year since she had seen her best friend Takashi Shirogane. While she knew she wouldn't see him for a long time, she had been happy for Shiro when he got the news that he would be going on the Kerberos mission. It was the kind of mission he had always dreamed about going on. And what kind of friend would she be if she didn't want Shiro happy?

But she didn't realize that the small possibility of him not coming back, was actually possible. When she heard the news that the crew for the Kerberos mission was lost due to pilot error, she immediately wanted to storm the Galaxy Garrison for that kind of bull. Shiro was the best pilot she had ever known, so she knew, deep down, that something else had happened to the crew. Something that the Garrison didn't want her to know about. The days bled into weeks, then months without seeing Shiro. Her and Keith did all they could to not lose their minds in worry.

Luck must have been on their side though, because the research that Keith had started after he was kicked out of the Garrison had led them right to Shiro's crashed spaceship. (Y/N) couldn't believe that only hours ago, the two had found and been reunited with their best friend (as well as three, somewhat unwanted-but-had-to-tag-along-anyway boys from the Garrison), and for (Y/N), the love of her life.

(Y/N) had developed a crush on him back when they met as students at the Garrison, which eventually blossomed into love for her best friend. But for much of their adult life, Shiro was in a relationship, so all (Y/N) could do was be supportive. It wasn't that she didn't like Adam. Far from it. He made Shiro happy and that's all (Y/N) cared about whether she was the one to make him happy or not. She just couldn't help but feel jealous throughout their relationship. The only time that she ever really hated Adam was when he broke up with Shiro about the Kerberos mission. She could remember that day crystal clear because Shiro had shown up on her doorstep the shell of a broken man. Her heart ached seeing him like that, so she tried to piece him back together as best she could. She had brought him inside and held him the rest of the night as he cried. That had been one of the last nights the two best friends spent with each other before he shipped off.

(Y/N) brought her thoughts back to reality as she looked Shiro over again. When Keith and (Y/N) had found him, some of the soldiers from the Garrison had sedated him and he still hadn't woken up when they brought him back to their little shack. So, they set up the back room for him, just to let him rest and wake up naturally. Keith had left her alone with Shiro, knowing full well that she needed the time with him. Another once over had just one thought going through her head, what the hell happened to him in space?

While still very handsome, his physical appearance had changed quite a bit since (Y/N) last saw him. The most obvious thing being that his right arm had been completely replaced with a metal prosthetic. She couldn't imagine what he had gone through for him to lose an arm. Which also begs the question of how he had gotten the scar across his nose. (Y/N) reached her hand up to move Shiro's now white bangs out of his face so she could get a better look. She brought her hand back down to his and held it, praying that he would wake up soon so she could give him the biggest hug imaginable.

"It's hard to believe you're here," she said softly, not really wanting to disturb the silence of the room. "I spent so many nights wondering just when you would come home, and here you are."

She didn't really know why she was talking to him when he couldn't respond. Maybe it was because she thought talking would wake him up. Or maybe she thought that she could finally get things off her chest, since he was unconscious, he wouldn't hear them, right?

"I don't know what you went through, while you were lost. The Garrison wouldn't tell me, Keith or the Holts anything. They claimed it was 'pilot failure.' What bullshit, am I right? I don't think you could ever be a bad pilot." (Y/N) had to laugh a little through the tears that were starting to fall down her face. "I don't know what you had to go through, and I know I'm probably going to be scared finding out, especially since you lost your arm to whatever it was. But I couldn't be happier that you're home now.

"I felt so lost. They told us you had died, and I- I didn't know what to do. You had always been there for me, and then suddenly you were gone. I tried to be strong. I really tried, for Keith's sake, but it was hard, so hard. I felt like I didn't have a home anymore. They say that home is where the heart is, and you know what? You took my heart with you to space. You are my home, Shiro. But now you're here, you're home. So please," (Y/N) paused for a second to try and blink back her tears, "wake up. Open those beautiful gray eyes of yours. Smile that charming smile I love so much." She brought his hand up to her lips and placed a kiss on the back of it. "I love you, Takashi."

(Y/N) looked away from him so she could wipe her face from her tears, but her head snapped back to him when she felt Shiro's hand squeeze hers. Her eyes widened as she saw gray eyes staring back at her, a small smile gracing Shiro's face. "(Y/N)?"

She gasped. "Shiro?"

"I love you, too."

"Shiro!" (Y/N) let out a happy shriek as she tackled him in a hug. Shiro reacted quickly, sitting up to catch the girl, wrapping his arms tightly around back and waist. He held her head close to him as he buried his face in her hair. Shiro had been just regaining consciousness as she had begun to speak to him. He couldn't express how happy he was to be home too, especially since he finally knew that (Y/N) returned his feelings. She had been the main thought in his head while he was away. And when he was prisoner, (Y/N) kept him going. After Adam had broken his heart, (Y/N) had been there for him, and he was hit with the realization of his feelings just before he left.

He felt (Y/N) pull him tighter as he just repeatedlywhispered "I love you" into her ear, both of them thankful to be home in eachother's arms.

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