Outside Looking In - Wendy Corduroy x Female!Reader (Gravity Falls) (Request)

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Requested by @SnowLeopardJazz on Quotev. I'm so sorry this was so late! I hope this is kind of what you wanted as like a meet-cute kind of thing.

(Y/N) sat lazily on a branch of a tall tree overlooking the quaint town of Gravity Falls. Over the years she had been alive, she watched the town grow from nothing to the town it was now. Of course, though, she never went into the town, she just watched them from afar.

She had been alive a long time, but the memory of her people being staked through the heart was always clear as day to her. During the 1600s, the paranoid people of the land that would become Gravity Falls were not only hunting witches but all sorts of supernatural creatures, the vampires included. All the supernatural beings of the forest fought to drive the people out of the valley but at the terrible costs of many lives. They had been successful in ridding the land of hunters, and essentially all humans, but there weren't many beings left, so it always begged the question, was the fight worth it?

(Y/N) had been fortunate in a sense to get out with her life, but she had been lonely for many years. With her family dead, and the rest of the remaining vampires either being hunted again or leaving the valley entirely, (Y/N) was the last sole vampire in Gravity Falls.

She didn't dare actually go into town. She was too afraid of what people would think of her, and while she didn't believe these people to be bad, she also knew that it was human nature to get rid of things that they didn't understand. Not to mention, she didn't age, why would she make friends if they were just going to die without her?

Despite knowing what humans had done to her people in the past, she loved watching the people in the town and their day to day lives. After all, she couldn't blame these people for what the people prior to them have done. People watching made her feel less lonely and like she had some sort of odd connection to the people of Gravity Falls. She had her favorite people to watch, like the two funny police officers, the young pair of twins visiting and that one man who was fascinated by anything supernatural. What had ever happened to him? But she enjoyed watching everyone, just imagining if one day she would be walking with them.

(Y/N) eventually fell asleep on the tree branch, letting her imagination lull her to sleep.


Wendy huffed as she trekked through the forest. The fresh air always seemed to put her at ease whenever she was stressed. She had decided to take a walk through the forest because her dad and brothers were getting to be too much again. She loved them, but God what she wouldn't give to have a moment of peace at home. Sometimes, when Wendy was super stressed or angry, she would just climb trees for a while. It was something physical that she could do to distract her and tire her out. This was one of those times.

Wendy looked around and spotted a good, tall, sturdy tree for her to climb. Climbing came so naturally to Wendy that she never really paid attention to the actual task, she just went wherever her arms took her. Which was why she was startled when she pulled herself up to a branch that already had someone on it.

(Y/N) jerked awake when she felt the branch move. She saw a glimpse of red hair before she gasped and fell backwards in shock, Wendy doing the same. The two girls grunted and groaned as they fell through the branches, neither of them landing gracefully.

"Oh, that smarts," Wendy muttered, along with a few dozen curses. She rubbed her head as she got to her knees and got a good look at who had startled her. The girl across the ground from her was pale and had long black hair, and her clothes were very worn and shabby. Definitely not anything she'd see in any shop nowadays, more like something she'd see at one of the town's weird renaissance fairs.

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