season 1, episode 9. "changes"

373 18 4

word count: 9424

~ third person pov ~

"Come on, DJ. Just keep your hand on her throat like that and heal her, alright? Just keep healing her! We're almost there! Just hang on and keep healing Allison!"

"If you say that... one more time, I'm go... gonna f-fucking kill you..." 

DJ slurred out, feeling his consciousness slowly slip as the light that was visible was beginning to flicker. DJ was leaning against Luther in the back seat with Allison in his lap and his hand still pressed against her neck, healing her to the best of his capabilities without killing himself in the process. He and Allison were taking up the back seats though Klaus sat in the back with DJ's and Allison's legs over his lap, and he was reaching over and rubbing DJ's arm while holding Allison's hand tightly in his own. Five and Diego kept glancing over into the backseats and noticed the light that DJ absorbed into his body was slowly beginning to fade away, his hair and veins dimming down as he struggled to keep conscious. He felt like he was out of breath as he struggled to keep his head up, it beginning to fall backwards as the exhaustion was starting to overwhelm him.

Five saw this through the rear view window and turned on all the lights in the car but cursed under his breath when he noticed that DJ immediately absorb it into his body, and it barely did anything to keep him awake. He looked down at himself and remembered that his body glows brightly whenever he uses his power (I was gonna write quirk there) so he took a deep breath and focused solely on that, not thinking of teleporting anywhere, but releasing his powers so he could emit a light out of his body, bright enough to keep DJ from falling unconscious. Diego noticed this and looked through the rear view mirror and a shaky smile of relief crawled onto his face when he saw color slowly return to DJ's face along with the light starting to shine bright again. He reaches over and pats Five on the back at his quick thinking before slamming his foot on the gas, he was going to let his two siblings possibly die, not on his watch. He gasped gently when he saw that they were finally back at the Academy so he slammed his foot on the breaks before throwing his door open.

"Come on! Let's go!" DJ weakly looked up and saw Klaus, Five and Diego get out of the car before going over to Luther's side and opening the door and allowing him to get out before proceeding to drag DJ and Allison out.

"I... I don't think she's breathing..." DJ said, allowing Luther and Diego to take Allison while he had Klaus on his side, leaning against him as he helped him into the Academy.

"If we don't get her upstairs she's gonna die!" currently, they were in the infirmary with Allison laying on an operation table, Five pressing a cloth to her throat to keep pressure on her wound.

"She suffered a severe laceration to her larynx. One of you will have to give blood." immediately, they all stepped forward.

"I will." they all glance at each other.

"I'm doing it." Luther said, stepping closer to Grace as he started to pull his sleeve up, Pogo shook his head. 

"I'm afraid that's not possible, dear boy. Your blood is more compatible with mine." Luther's shoulders slumped, Klaus noticed this and left DJ's side, letting him lean against the table as he went over to Grace's side.

"Hey, don't sweat it! I-- I got this, big guy. I-- I love needles." he said, slapping his hand against his arm.

"Master Klaus. Your blood is... how shall I say this? Too polluted." DJ then raised his hand.

"Allow me. Even my blood has some healing--" he cut himself off when he suddenly threw up blood, they all stare at him in shock, he pursed his lips as he raised his hand "N-Never mind. I think I need m-my blood more than she does..." he muttered, spitting out the blood that was still in his mouth before collapsing to the ground.

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